Empyrion - Galactic Survival Empyrion Galactic: 8 Cheats for Survival

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You will not just survive using this cheat, you are going to dominate Empyrion Galactic universe!

8 Empyrion Galactic Survival Cheats:

  1. Unlimited HP 
  2. Unlimited Stamina 
  3. Unlimited Ammo
  4. Unlimited Food 
  5. Unlimited Oxygen 
  6. Unlimited JetPack 
  7. Unlimited Quick Slot Items 
  8. Teleport Cheat

Download Empyrion Galactic Survival Cheat File:

All 8 Cheats in one file download here: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BygdE8FUE-2sb2J0TmhSam00czQ&export=download

Empyrion Galactic Unlimited Ammo Cheat

To activate this cheat, shoot at least once. Make sure to do this before activating this cheat.

Empyrion Galactic Unlimited Quick Slot Items Cheat

Eat or drink something before activating this cheat.

Using Empyrion Galactic Teleport Cheat

  1. Click the Teleport Cheat script
  2. Double click on the "AOB Teleport Cheat" value and copy it to the clipboard. 
  3. Save it in notepad. This is your current position you can return here anytime you want.
  4. Just paste and saved AOB codes as AOB Teleport value.
  5. Basically you will mark the places you want to teleport by copying the codes in AOB Teleport script. Then if you go somewhere just set your saved code to teleport.

Example of Teleport Cheat Codes

Empyrion Galactic Teleport Cheat


About Empyrion - Galactic Survival Cheat File

These cheats uses cheat engine. You don’t need to Install Cheat Engine just download the “No Setup Version Here http://www.cheatengine.org/download/cheatengine64_NoSetup.rar " Extract the rar file and go to the folder and open Cheat Engine.

How to use Empyrion - Galactic Survival Cheat File?

  1. Open your Cheat Engine
  2. Load the Cheat File Press [CTRL + O]. Or Click the Open Icon, it's the second Icon with a Tool Tip of "Open a cheat table or unprotected cetrainer" 
  3. Select the file that you have downloaded. Download the cheat file here: https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BygdE8FUE-2sb2J0TmhSam00czQ&export=download
  4. Then open Empyrion Galactic Survival Game.
  5. Switch back to Cheat Engine Window Press ALT + TAB
  6. Click Select a Process - It's the first button with a tool tip of "Select a process to open" then look for Empyrion Galactic Process which is Empyrion.exe and Click Open.
  7. Below memory view button is the cheat table you have loaded. Select the cheats that you want to enable (Click the Box beside the Cheat Name).
  8. Go back to  Empyrion Galactic Game and try out the cheats you enabled.

Note: Make sure to do the appropriate action before activating the cheat see the above instructions.

yesThis cheats has been tested working on version 3.5.1. Please check back on this page for updates! Enjoy the Game!

Empyrion Galactic: 8 Cheats for Survival

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