I need Mr right and Big Bad Wolf.To complete 2nd album. And I have Perseus, Golden Lyre, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, Beast, Rain Kissfrost, Hot Cauldron, and many others to trade. If there is anyone out there could help me out
2 cards shy of full set need, Mr Right, and Big Bad Wolf
Posted by martyT13 Tags: Cheats & Hacks 12 Comments
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Discuss 2 cards shy of full set need, Mr Right, and Big Bad Wolf
How can I get Mr. Right card from 2nd album?
cards sent
I have both but trouble is they are still classed as gold cards andare still not tradeable :( else I would be willing to send them to you
Struggling to get into slotomania - I am sure I can assist for Mr. Right
I just need Mr. RIght please - have many 5 star cards to trade for it
I have Bratty Bat
I need the fang Wang please
i have most cards and need mr right, bratty bat and bingo card.
can any one help?
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