Slotomania Slot Machines CLOSED Willing to trade the stringer and others

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I have extras of X-564, Pink Party, Sheriff Piggy, One eyed Joe, Bars of Gold, Razbazkin, Checkmate, Wendy Wool and Himalaya Hunter. Will trade for the stringer, hardhitter and keere shan.

I also have other cards so if you need them, just ask. Add me on facebook.


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Discuss CLOSED Willing to trade the stringer and others


Golden gust

I'll add you on fb and send a pm

I have stringer will trade for Wendy wool razbazkin bars of gold one eyed Joe sheriff piggy

I could really use Sheriff Piggy , One Eyed Joe , Raxbazlian and Wendy Wool. Sad to say I ont  have The Stringer to trade with

do you have golden gust, the stringer, keere shan or hard hitter?

I need all please

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