Slotomania Slot Machines I need a few cards but have plenty of others to trade

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I need a few cards but have plenty  of others to trade. I need sand writing, checkmate, Sheriff piggy, Wendy will, one eyed Joe, the Stringer, golden gust, designer bag, foofy, hard hitter, online lovers and Beyond appearance. As far as the cards that I have to offer there are too many to list on here please tell me which ones you need and I will see if I have them for you. Thank you.

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Discuss I need a few cards but have plenty of others to trade


I have some of the ones you need do you have foofi and KEERE shan
I have few card that u need i just need love bonus.. Please pm me..
i got checkmate, Sheriff piggy, for gift

I can give most of them but u have dark light bonus ?

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