Slotomania Slot Machines Need Little Red and Peter Pan

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I need Little Red and Peter Pan and have multiple 4/5 star cards .  I have lots to trade so let me know what you need and I can let you know if I have it.   

Some 5 stars I have are Moon Huntress, perseus, zeus, big bad wolf   

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Discuss Need Little Red and Peter Pan


I need gipsy Gina n little red n I got all. Card to trade in

I need Little Red to complete the set have numerous cards to trade including peter pan,moon huntress,the beast and many others please help

I need only Little Red ,if someoene wants to trade ,please,write me Heeeeeeelpppppp :(

Avander is there anything I can give you for little red? I need the coins really badly! Game won't let me trade any gold cards

Hot cauldron can't be traded though. Is there any you need that aren't gold

I'll trade you a cauldron for a little red



I do have both Peter Pan and Little Red for you. Do you have Hot Cauldron for me by any chance ?


Thanks for letting me know,


What do you want for your Perseus Erin?

I have Peter pan

I have perseus 

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