Please anyone in a position to help I need stars to spin the wheel so I can play I have zero stars at the moment I need minimum 15 I promise to pay it forward or pay back anyone that can help just friend me on Facebook same name and picture as on here I'm very desperate any help will be greatly appreciated thanks in advance.
Add me on Facebook I have over 7 thousand cards to help whoever needs help..all I ask for is gifts from SLOTOMANIA..
I have... I got you
English please
I can't help u out with any cards at the moment because I've only just discovered this and so only just started experimenting, maybe soon though or if u listen and follow my instructions, I believe that I have worked out a loophole 2 get as many cards as u can handle. 4 ages I had this idea but 4 some reason it wasn't working. Anyway, I seem 2 be having success at last and what's weird is that I'm (2 my knowledge atleast) doing exactly the same thing as I always was. Obviously there's always a chance u could of had the same idea, but going by ur request u haven't. But here is what I'm talking about: 1st create a couple or however many u want depending on how much u play, then create a new Facebook account using that Gmail account and hey presto, u can have as many Slotomania accounts as u want and obviously once u've played 4 atleast say 10 levels u'll have slotocards and u can send these 2 urself as well as mystery boxes and coin gifts. Anyway I believe that I've found a loophole, let me know what u think.
I can't help u out with any cards at the moment, maybe soon though or if u listen and follow my instructions, I believe that I have worked out a loophole 2 get as many cards as u can handle. 4 ages I had this idea but 4 some reason it wasn't working. Anyway, I seem 2 be having success at last and what's weird is that I'm (2 my knowledge anyway)
Add me at facenook
Please help
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