Slotomania Slot Machines Two Peter Pans to trade for little red and Perseus

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If anyone has gypsy Gina, Perseus and Zeus, little red or mr right to trade I have a bunch to trade. I even have 1 Peter Pan to trade. Lots of others as well. Please let me know asap. Thanks

Rare ones I have : hot cauldron, rain kissfrost, Bruce, wild gem and gold bars, fang wang and Pegasus 

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Discuss Two Peter Pans to trade for little red and Perseus


Brenna do you have little red and Perseus?

Joey, I could use your help. I need each card you listed. May I add you on Facebook?

In need of help. Here's what I need.  Fang Wang, Gold Bars, Gypsy Gina, Cherry Mist, Tinker Bell, Meadow Dew, Sebastian, Mr. Right, Bruce, Grandma, Little Red, Big Bad Wolf, Peter Pan, Artemis, Golden Lyre, Moon Huntress, Perseus, Dionysus, Moon Huntress, Medusa.

I have many cards to trade, and am willing to help.

Thanks, Tonya

Do you have tinker bell gypsy gina or mr right i have plenty to trade add me on fb to send

Let me know what you still need. I can send it. I think you have to add me as a friend on Facebook 

I have Zeus but it's a gold card  not sure if it's tradeble


How do we go about trading?

If you have grandma, Tinkerbell or golden lyre I have zues

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