User Rules


By becoming a member at GameHunters.Club you automatically agree to the following rules. If you break any of the rules you will either get muted (blocked from commenting and posting) or get banned (yes we don’t send any warning). In a number of situations the punishment is much more serious, for example if you posted advertising or anything against our Terms of Use - your profile will be removed and your IP will be banned. You have the right to appeal the ban if you think the mods have misjudged your situation. But you have to include a reason or explanation in the appeal! Appeals without a reason or explanation will be rejected.

Nevertheless we are always open for communication, so if you feel that your comment/game post/profile was removed for no reason, due to a mistake or personal conflict - feel free to send us a message on


GameHunters.Club is not just a community gaming site with a whole bunch of code under it. We spent many hours to make this site welcoming and comfortable, so when you use it keep that in mind and have some respect for the work done by other people. And of course any suggestion to improve it is welcome.

  • Do not leave any comments that are obscene, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. All comments that are left on game posts should only contain information about the topic. Multi commenting is not allowed.
  • Any type of video showing unlawful activity and inhuman is forbidden.
  • Any type of advertising and spam in comments, avatars, usernames, game posts and over personal messages is not welcome. If you are interested in cooperation with GameHunters.Club please contact the administration via email or
  • Any type of outside links are not welcome unless useful. Download links must be hosted on Ad-Free websites like Dropbox or Google Drive, etc.. The file should be virus-free and not illegal. The penalty is permanent ban of Account and IP.
  • Please do not rate Games or Posts that you personally have not played or tried.
  • Asking for any kind of illegal content is forbidden. Example a pirated copy of a game.
  • If you discover a serious or a critical issue with GameHunters.Club please email us immediately.
  • When you engage into discussion in our Community please stick to the local Netiquette. Respect the people that you communicate with, don’t post tons of meaningless messages and keep the discussion normal even if you are provoked into some conflict (better leave it to the Mods).
  • If you for some reason skipped the rules, you will still be punished for violating them!
  • If you contact us via Facebook or Email, don’t expect them to respond immediately. We are very busy individuals, and it might take a while for them to respond to your message.
  • The Bloves Rule. If a user is unable to understand our rules or cooperate with the mods in solving the rule violation issue, he will fall under the the Bloves Rule and declared a persona non grata. Any of his further established accounts will be removed after a first serious violation and the staff will refuse to cooperate with this user in order to solve this problem.
  • We are open to any improvement ideas from our users. Please send us a message via Facebook

Words or phrases that need further explanation

  • GameHunters.Club Netiquette - Not posting anything that is obscene, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
  • Spam - Unwanted outside links / promotional offers.

User Profile

  • Creating multiple accounts is forbidden!
  • Please use good judgment when choosing username and avatar. Anything obscene, racist, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws will be removed.
  • Usernames can be composed only of english letters and numbers and have to be within the GameHunters.Club netiquette rules.
  • You have the possibility to change your username once after signup. This is a one time opportunity only unless granted by Admins.
  • Any attempt to imitate a Mod, Admin or Staff username will be seriously punished.
  • Your profile, personal status, Game Posts and Forum Posts are your personal space, nevertheless the overall rules concerning racism, hatred, obscenity, personal abuse and violence still apply here. It is forbidden to post real violence, pornographic materials or any kind of offensive or religious propaganda. Any posts violating these rules will be removed or edited. You are allowed to use curse words and post links here, but if the link is harmful or the curse word is directed to another user it will be removed. It is also allowed to post links to other gaming sites here.
  • Please, use good judgement when writing your posts! Here on GameHunters.Club, personal space is not an excuse for abusing other users or placing something like racist propaganda!

Community: The Do’s

  • Only post topics on the respective Game Page. By not doing so, the thread or post can be moved, merged with another topic or deleted.
  • Communicate your site problems with us. Communication is very important to keeping this site going!
  • Help in every way you can.
  • Be creative and have fun!

Community: The Don’ts

  • Do not post anything on this forum that is obscene, racist, hateful, nude or threatening.
  • Don't be rude or flame anyone here.
  • Don't give links that is harmful.
  • Do not post the same topic in more than one forum. Use the Search before making a topic.
  • Avoid overusing special symbols or caps lock in thread names.


  • A maximum of 3 comments in a row.
  • No images containing swear words.
  • No nudity, this includes see through clothing (wet T-No images that contain racist, hateful, sexually exploitative (straight, gay, paedophilia etc) material or any other form of image that may cause offense. shirt pics etc…).
  • No threads over 1000 pages, any thread of that size is to be closed and a fresh one started by either the original creator or a moderator, other users are NOT to start new threads because the 1000 page limit has been reached, unless asked to do so by the original creator or a moderator.


You might notice where we get this rules. Yes we are inspired by that site.


By joining GameHunters.Club, you also agree to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

We always repeat this message:

GameHunters.Club is a Fan Base Site and is not endorsed by or affiliated by any games.

All Trademarks are the property of respective owners.

All Games mention or page created on this site are Fan Initiative for them to Group, Share & Collaborate ideas nothing else.