Jurassic Park Builder Jurassic Park Builder Cheats, Tips & Guides

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Jurassic Park Builder

Shunosaurus is now in now in Tournament! 🌴 Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181116_JPB

Likes: 46 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

📫FREE DINO BUCKS📫 Now in Your MAILBOX ▶ http://ludia.gg/181114_JPB

Likes: 172 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment below to tell us what Level you're at! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181113_JPB

Likes: 66 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want FREE DINO BUCKS ON WEDNESDAY? Like our Facebook Page! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181112_JPB 📫Then check your mailbox on Wednesday!

Likes: 85 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B,C or D? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181110_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 41 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

It's time to VOTE! Help us win Google Play Fan Favorite Game 2018 by voting for Jurassic World Alive here 👇 https://ludia.gg/JWA_GPlay_Vote_FFAward #GooglePlayBestOf

Likes: 73 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Enchodus is now in Tournament! 🌊 Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181109_JPB

Likes: 55 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Let us know in the Comment section below!, SHARE and click on the link to play! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181107_JPB

Likes: 49 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

⁉️Did you know⁉️ Trinacrmerum could swim extremely fast? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181106_JPB

Likes: 66 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Can you pick out the real Trinacromerum? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181105_JPB

Likes: 65 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

How BIG was the Castoroides? Comment below to answer! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181103_JPB

Likes: 38 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Castroroides is now in Tournament! 🌲 Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181102_JPB

Likes: 110 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🎃Comment below if dare! 👻Like & Play! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181031_JPB 🎃Share to challenge your friends!

Likes: 73 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🎃Happy Halloween Builders🎃 Enter the Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181030_JPB

Likes: 283 Shares: 11 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia and comment below to answer! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181029_JPB

Likes: 39 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Do you have an even WORSE description of an Euoplocephalus ? Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181027_JPB

Likes: 60 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Euoplocephalus is now in Tournament! 🌴Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181026_JPB

Likes: 89 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment 1,2 or 3 below to answer! Like & Play! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181024_JPB Share to challenge your friends!

Likes: 58 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your dino trivia and comment below to answer! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181022_JPB

Likes: 42 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment A,B or C below to answer! Share to challenge your friends! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181020_JPB

Likes: 50 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Hyneria is now in Tournament! 🌊Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181019_JPB

Likes: 109 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🐟How big was the Gillicus 🐟 Comment below to answer! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181017_JPB

Likes: 58 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Need daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Enter the Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181016_JPB

Likes: 56 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Which of these creatures do you want this Friday? Click on the link to vote! POLL! ▶ https://ludia-games-polls.app.do/prlius Enter the Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181015_JPB

Likes: 58 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia and comment below to answer! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181013_JPB

Likes: 54 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Diprotodon is now in Tournament! 🌲Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181012_JPB

Likes: 97 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181010_JPB

Likes: 77 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Would like to FLY or SWIM? Comment below with your answer! Enter the Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181009_JPB

Likes: 56 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Did you know? Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181008_JPB

Likes: 68 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

TRUE or FALSE? Rajasaurus means 👑"Kind Of Lizards"? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181006_JPB

Likes: 85 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Rajasaurus is now in Tournament! 🌴Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181005_JPB

Likes: 140 Shares: 7 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Need daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Enter the Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181003_JPB

Likes: 78 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Like and comment below to tell us what Level you're at! Share this with your fellow builders! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181002_JPB

Likes: 68 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Did you know? Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181001_JPB

Likes: 72 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment below to tell us what Level you're at! Share this with your fellow builders! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180930_JPB

Likes: 59 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your TRIVIA! 1️⃣ Share this post 2️⃣ Type your answer below 3️⃣ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180929_JPB

Likes: 50 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🌊Shastasaurus🌊 is now in Tournament Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180928_JPB

Likes: 124 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🦖 How many Rexy's do you count? Share to challenge your friends! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180925_JPB

Likes: 88 Shares: 8 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Do you have an even WORSE description of an Euoplocephalus? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180925_JPB

Likes: 90 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment 1,2 or 3 below to answer! Like & Play! ▶ http://ludia.gg/181024_JPB

Likes: 68 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment below to tell us what Level you're at! Share this with your fellow builders! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180924_JPB

Likes: 58 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🐛Arthropleura🐛 is now in Tournament! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180921_JPB

Likes: 123 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

TRUE or FALSE⁉️ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180919_JPB Tag a fellow builder to test their knowledge!

Likes: 82 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Which of these creatures do you want this Friday? Click on the image to vote Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180918_JPB https://ludia.gg/JPB_Poll09

Likes: 60 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

New Jurassic World Alive update is swooping into the App Store and Google Play now! Download and start searching for Pterosaurs! ▶ http://ludia.gg/JWA18_0918

Likes: 102 Shares: 8 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

What would you rather do, A or B? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180917_JPB Share to find out what fellow builders would do

Likes: 63 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Did you know? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180915_JPB

Likes: 65 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🌴Utharaptor🌴 is now in Tournament! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180914_JPB

Likes: 164 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Let us know in the Comment section below!, SHARE and click on the link to play! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180912_JPB

Likes: 80 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

WANT daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180911_JPB

Likes: 179 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want FREE DINO BUCKS? Like our Facebook Page! ▶ https://ludia.gg/JPB_Sep11 📫Then check your mailbox on Wednesday!

Likes: 177 Shares: 7 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

TRUE or FALSE⁉️ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180910_JPB Tag a fellow builder to test their knowledge!

Likes: 105 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

👍 & Comment below to tell us what Level you're at! Share this with your fellow builders! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180908_JPB

Likes: 91 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Edestus is now in Tournament! 🦈 Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180907_JPB

Likes: 129 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

WANT daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180905_JPB

Likes: 120 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B or C? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180904_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 64 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

What do you feed a Tapejara A or B? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180903_JPB

Likes: 82 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B,C or D? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180901_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 94 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Time to enjoy the weekend and play some JPB! 🦖 Enter your Park! http://ludia.gg/180831_JPB

Likes: 150 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Deinosuchus is now in Tournament! 🐊Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180831_JPB

Likes: 105 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

📽️Comment below with your favorite Jurassic Movie📽️ Enter The Park ▶ http://ludia.gg/180830_JPB

Likes: 93 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Need daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now!▶ http://ludia.gg/180829_JPB

Likes: 75 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🐍Comment below! 🐍Share to challenge your friends! 🐍Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180828_JPB

Likes: 56 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

⁉️Test your trivia⁉️ Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180827_JPB

Likes: 85 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

What is the best #dinosaur joke you ever heard? Play Now ▶ http://ludia.gg/180825_JPB

Likes: 93 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

RUN! Suchomimus is now in Tournament! 🦖Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180824_JPB

Likes: 120 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment below to answer and SHARE to see what your fellow builders say! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180922_JPB

Likes: 82 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Suchomimus: Was probably slow moving like a crocodile Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180822_JPB Comment below if you have a Suchomimus fun fact!

Likes: 89 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Which of these creatures do you want this Friday? Click on the image to vote. Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180822_JPB https://ludia-games-polls.app.do/jpb_08

Likes: 87 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180821_JPB

Likes: 94 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Can you name the real Baculites? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180818_JPB

Likes: 90 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Baculites is now in Tournament! 🌊Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180817_JPB

Likes: 139 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Mastodon fed on: A,B, or C? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180815_JPB Comment Now!

Likes: 91 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Like and comment below to tell us what Level you're at! Share this with your fellow builders! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180814_JPB

Likes: 102 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Let us know in the Comment section below!, SHARE and click on the link to play! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180813_JPB

Likes: 88 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Do you have an even WORSE description of an Archaeotherium? Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180811_JPB

Likes: 92 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Archaeotherium is now in Tournament! 🐗Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180810_JPB

Likes: 111 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🎬 Go behind-the-scenes and check out the making of the #JurassicWorldAlive trailer! #TBT

Likes: 175 Shares: 25 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B,C or D ⁉️ Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180808_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 68 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

TRUE or FALSE⁉️ Meiolania stands for "Small roamer"? Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180807_JPB

Likes: 103 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Where did Giganotosaurus roam: A,B,C or D? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180806_JPB Comment Now!

Likes: 108 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🦖 Comment below! 🦖 Share to challenge your friends! Play Now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180804_JPB

Likes: 104 Shares: 10 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Gigsnotosaurus is now in Tournament! 🦖Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180803_JPB

Likes: 184 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Need daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180801_JPB

Likes: 125 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

How did the filmmakers create the iconic T.rex roar? Like and Comment below. Enter the PARK! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180731_JPB

Likes: 103 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your dino trivia and comment below to answer! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180730_JPB

Likes: 76 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

⁉️ TRUE or FALSE ⁉️ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180728_JPB Tag a fellow builder to test their knowledge!

Likes: 79 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🦈Dolichorhynchops🦈 is now in Tournament! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180727_JPB

Likes: 133 Shares: 1 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B or C? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180725_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 115 Shares: 0 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180724_JPB

Likes: 120 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

⁉️ TRUE or FALSE⁉️ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180723_JPB Tag a fellow builder to test their knowledge!

Likes: 66 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B,C or D? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180721_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 74 Shares: 2 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

❄️Platybelodon❄️ is now in Tournament! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180720_JPB

Likes: 143 Shares: 4 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180718_JPB

Likes: 154 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Test your Dino trivia: A,B,C or D? Play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180717_JPB Comment below!

Likes: 85 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Which of these creatures do you want this Friday? Click on the image to vote! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180716_JPB https://ludia.gg/07_JPB_VOTE

Likes: 105 Shares: 3 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

⁉️ Did you know ⁉️ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180714_JPB

Likes: 101 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

🌴Dreadnoughtus🌴 is now in Tournament! Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180713_JPB

Likes: 110 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Want daily gifts and help with research and evolution? Type "Add Me" in the Comments! Like & play now! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180711_JPB

Likes: 145 Shares: 5 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder

Comment TRUE or FALSE ⁉️ Enter your Park! ▶ http://ludia.gg/180710_JPB Tag a fellow builder to test their knowledge!

Likes: 117 Shares: 6 Posted:

Jurassic Park Builder Game Information:

Monthly Users: 100,000

Weekly Users: 50,000

Daily Users: 10,000

Monthly Users Rank: 1,398

Daily Users Rank: 1,614

Fan Page Likes: 0

Fan Page Talking About Count: 1,905

Platform: Facebook iOS

Game Types: Builder

Company: Ludia Inc.

Website: https://twitter.com/JPBGame

Game Status: Active

Ludia Inc. Company Overview

Ludia Inc. is a Montreal-based video game company that creates and distributes cross-platform digital games. Our innovative and high-quality product portfolio consists of original and world-recognized branded properties such as: Jurassic World™: The Game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Legends, Dragons: Rise of Berk, Family Feud® 2 & Friends, Kung Fu Panda: Battle of Destiny, Waldo & Friends, and The Price Is Right™.