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Killing Floor 2 Cheats Pack: Extreme Mayhem
Killing Floor 2 Cheats Pack includes Instant Kill Infinite Health & Ammo. You can also cheat money, level & teleport. Its overkill but you can choose which one to enable.
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- 15,725
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Results for the survey are in; Results are as below.
Likes: 55 Shares: 0 Posted:

#KillingFloor2 Feedback Survey can be found here. Please fill out your answers if you would like to.
Likes: 94 Shares: 8 Posted:

Lots of people lined up to check out #KillingFloor2 on PlayStation 4 at #PAXEast
Likes: 38 Shares: 0 Posted:

#MrFoster stopped by to check out #KillingFloor2 on #PS4 at #PAXEast #Playstation
Likes: 134 Shares: 4 Posted:

We're releasing a new patch for clients and servers today. It includes the following changes. Balance * Adjusted wave one Zed spawn groups in Versus Mode so that the first wave is more balanced
Likes: 23 Shares: 0 Posted:

A small update has been pushed live with some bug fixes.
Likes: 111 Shares: 3 Posted:

New WWAUT is up including feedback from the Game Conductor and Live Update systems
Likes: 34 Shares: 0 Posted:

Some small changes pushed through the Live Update System
Likes: 68 Shares: 1 Posted:

A quick word about the recent feedback we have been receiving. We have freely admitted we have gotten some things wrong along the way. However what we pitched in our "early access done right" proposal has been pretty much exactly what we have shipped. This was to release content additions when they were fairly polished so at no point would the game be unplayable to end users. In part we felt that by pitching this and having players buy into it that would be what they would expect from our version of early access. This has proven to be incorrect. It is a lesson learned. The vision of what we pitched versus players expectations and how they did not meet. We can try and set player expectation but we can't dictate it. We do work on correcting mistakes we identify (and no we don't always agree with parts of the community that some things are a mistake). And not all changes come easy and are processes that happen over time. The previously mentioned "right way to do early access" which involves us only shipping polished content. We felt that this would be the expectation that most people who purchased KF 2 in early access would have for the game. We tried to set and change peoples expectations on what Early Access could and should be. This isn't something we feel we can address for KF 2's early access but it is a lesson learned for the future. On the topic of balancing and updates. We did not have a plan in place when we got into early access that support a faster set of updates for balance changes and bug fixes. This wasn't something we could immediate addres but as we progessed we changed our development pipeline so programmers set aside time each week to work on bugs. We've also had to set time aside to create and release these builds (which takes away new development resources - so this is a new issue we had to address). That is why we starting working on the Live Update system so we could address balance issues without having to prepare, qa and ship a build (a process that on average takes 1 to two weeks but can take longer). We felt that we had a good set of skills for each perk we released and they were fairly balanced against each other initially going out the door. Time and time again it has been proven that the community finds ways to play and use our games that we never intended which results in things not playing out as we intended. This has caused us to start several passes at different perks for both tweaks and overhauls to bring them inline more with the public expectation. We often forget that our messages that we put out there do not make it to all fans. Yes we tend to frequent our own forums more and read most every post in there, it is part comfort, part habit, it is what we've been donig for over a decade at this point. We don't forget about other places that enjoy and talk about our games but we often expect our messages to be carried there intact. Often they are not. They are cherry picked for choice quotes to fit a narrative with other parts ignored that do not fit that narative. And while not another specific example, yes we often make choices and decisions that will make some players unhappy. Just about everything we do makes somebody unhappy. To a degree game development isn't the popularity contest that politics often becomes at least here in the US, but it seems to be getting closer. We try and do what we feel is best for the game and the player base in the long term even if it means that ther are some initial pains and issues. We don't always make the right call. We have been relying on statistics more than ever to help with this. We didn't forsee how quickly gameplay programming bandwith/manpower would become our bottleneck recently. This mostly hasn't been our bottleneck since the start of the company 10 odd years ago when we had 1, and then 2 programmers for everthing (and very little ability to make system/engine/other changes). To fix this we are interviewing candidates as fast as we can. If you happen to know any ureal engine experience gameplay programmers, we are hiring! Hope this helps
Likes: 186 Shares: 10 Posted:

More small changes have been made to Versus Survival mode using the Live Update system.
Likes: 49 Shares: 0 Posted:

Using the Live Update system some small changes have been made, find them below here
Likes: 45 Shares: 0 Posted:

A new minor update has been pushed live including the return of FLeX
Likes: 36 Shares: 0 Posted:

Yoshiro's response on why PvP was released before Sharpshooter "To bring software online as complex as a video game things need to happen simultaneously or you will have staff sitting around at their desk not doing anything. Not all programmers are gameplay programmers, and even among gameplay programmers there are specializations. (I am assuming you realize that artists, both 2d and 3d, animators, level designs and other departments can't help with programming). Graphics/Engine programmers work on engine features Systems programmers tend to work on API related things like analytics and ZedConomy or bringing new backend systems online Gameplay programmers work on a wide array of tasks from AI, weapons, new gametypes, etc. And as stated before we tend to have specializations here where certain programmers are better suited for certain tasks. Pilling as many people that can work on a task doesn't always mean it will get done faster either. Somethings are better handled when one person is working on them and others are working to bring other parts online for best efficiency. Beyond that trying to make a programmer work outside of their specialization (talking about gameplay programmers here) can actually end up taking longer as they have to learn the code base of the new item they are working with. Other teams may also be bottle-necked by a programming resource and may need a programmer assigned to their task our they will not be able to continue working on anything. Production teams make plans based on known manpower at the start of a sprint about what the goals of that sprint are. However there are many things that can't be accounted for up front which throw wrenches into magical plans so that stars don't align how you would like them. Employee churn (rare, but it happens) Employee hiring (rare, but now somebody has to learn new things and this often takes guidance from an existing employee) People getting sick (not that rare, but not that common) Vacations (we try and make sure we are aware of these before hand but occasionally things slip through) Tasks taking longer than expected (not that rare, but not that common) Being pulled off task to work on something else critical - pile on (ends up slowing down over all development if minds are split between focus so we try not to, but somethings need to get fixed/addressed right away) One something happens you have to adjust the scope of the sprint to deal with the new manpower constraints. That means things have to give somewhere. In this case we lost a programmer who was working on perks and another got sick. The team working on game modes had a solid vertical slice (vs survival) mostly done. They continued to polish that up to a releasable state while we made adjustments to what would be making it in the update for the perk (2 weapons). Pulling them off vs survival to pile on sharpshooter may have resulted in sharpshooter (at a later date, and not as polished initially as we wanted) and no vs survival ready to go. Overall it would have been less work done at greater expense and more time. To go back to the product team to finish this off, their job is to keep our team fully tasks for a sprint to about 90 to 120% capacity (we always plan some extra tasks in a sprint incase some things come online faster than expected). This keeps things moving along as efficiently as possible with as little downtime in any given department."
Likes: 58 Shares: 1 Posted:

A small update has gone live to address some issues found
Likes: 47 Shares: 2 Posted:

The new #KillingFloor2 "Revenge of the Zeds" content update is now out, featuring the first every PvP mode, new map, new weapons and more! Check out the full changelog here.
Likes: 189 Shares: 27 Posted:

The Grindhouse Mapping Contest Winners have been announced!!.aspx
Likes: 55 Shares: 3 Posted:

Happy Eater! A new WWAUT has been posted including a changelog for the upcoming update
Likes: 87 Shares: 6 Posted:

A few quick updates: • No updates are being planned for KF1. All focus is going towards content for #KillingFloor2 • FleX will hopefully be fixed in the next content update, testing is underway with NVIDIA • Listen (Local) servers are on the way • There is no further news on the PS4 Release, date is set for this year • Some users have been having problems with Real Time Reflections when using the latest AMD Crimson Drivers. It is the drivers causing the issue and up to AMD to fix it. Stay tuned for more info soon!
Likes: 101 Shares: 9 Posted:

Full Steam Workshop Integration has come to #KillingFloor2 with a new hotfix!
Likes: 56 Shares: 7 Posted:

Thanks to Kotaku for the #KillingFloor2 shoutout!
Likes: 30 Shares: 0 Posted:

New #KillingFloor2 dev update is up including a first look at a new Sharpshooter weapon and map, Prison!
Likes: 259 Shares: 39 Posted:

New update for #KillingFloor2 is live, check out the patch notes here
Likes: 81 Shares: 2 Posted:

Latest WWAUT, check it out
Likes: 85 Shares: 3 Posted:

Here's a look at some of the upcoming features coming to #KillingFloor2 including new game modes, zed voices, new perks, maps, characters and plenty more!
Likes: 553 Shares: 143 Posted:

Update 1022 for Killing Floor 2 is live. Find more details here
Likes: 103 Shares: 3 Posted:

Here's an update about the upcoming community update for #KillingFloor2
Likes: 50 Shares: 2 Posted:

Keys are running out! Make sure to sign up to Alienware to get your free Alienware Mask skin for #KillingFloor2!
Likes: 77 Shares: 18 Posted:

Let's look forward to 2016!!.aspx
Likes: 44 Shares: 1 Posted:

An update for KF2 has been pushed live, this is required for both servers and clients. Details can be found here
Likes: 123 Shares: 4 Posted:

#KillingFloor2 FAQ: Q: Will you add in more content post launch like weapons, perks and events zeds like we had in KF1? A: Yes, special events as well as more weapons and more perks beyond the initial ten will come to KF2 for free after it's run in EA. Q: Will there be more female characters added to the KF2 character roster? A: That is something that is being worked on. Q: Will KF2 be coming to Xbox One? A: Most likely! But it will have to wait until after the PC and PS4 release. Q: Speaking of the PS4? What's the deal with that? When is it going to release? A: The PS4 version of KF2 is being developed alongside the PC version and will be released the same time the PC version exits EA. Q: What will you do in regards to The Trading Floor and Zed-conomy? A: All content in the Trading Floor is cosmetic only, no different to the weapon skins in the first game. The content is taken from the Steam Workshop and you guys get to vote what gets in. This has the dual positive of supporting development and supporting the modders who spend a lot of time creating content. It is completely optional what you do with your skins, you can equip them, unpack them, sell them, it's up to you. If you want a particular skin you buy it directly from the Steam Market. There is one weapon that's been added, the Zweihander, that's part of the sharing system. If one player owns the weapon, everyone in the current match does, no one gets a head start over others. Q: When is the next update (Sharpshooter anyone?) coming? A: Stay tuned for more info on that soon!
Likes: 55 Shares: 3 Posted:

Just a quick reminder that all TWI titles are on sale right now until January 4th including #KillingFloor2! Now's the perfect time to pick it up or to guilt trip a friend into playing it with you by buying it for them!
Likes: 15 Shares: 0 Posted:

The Steam Winter Sale has begun, check out the link for some great deals including #KillingFloor2 for 33% off
Likes: 32 Shares: 2 Posted:

Check out some #KF2 impressions from PSX!
Likes: 36 Shares: 2 Posted:

#KillingFloor2 FREE WEEKEND on Steam has just started! The game is also on sale for 33% off! Details here:
Likes: 114 Shares: 44 Posted:

Hotfix 1018 has been released for Killing Floor 2
Likes: 71 Shares: 2 Posted:

A hotfix for Killing Floor 2 has been pushed live. Read the change list here
Likes: 62 Shares: 2 Posted:

#KillingFloor2 Dev Diary for the PlayStation 4
Likes: 33 Shares: 5 Posted:

Killing Floor 2 is looking good on PS4 at #PSX15
Likes: 133 Shares: 8 Posted:

The #ReturnOfThePatriarch Content Update is now live on Steam! Grab it here!
Likes: 85 Shares: 11 Posted:

Likes: 99 Shares: 12 Posted:

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Likes: 52 Shares: 3 Posted:

Likes: 139 Shares: 12 Posted:

There have been a lot of questions about the voice of the Patriarch for Killing Floor 2, so we thought we'd share this information. Dan Nassick, aka zYnthetic, is reprising his role as the Patriarch for Killing Floor 2. So not only is the original voice of the Patriarch returning, many favorite Patriarch lines from KF1 are returning, as well as a whole lot of new lines.
Likes: 212 Shares: 13 Posted:

#KillingFloor2 is 33% off as part of the Steam Exploration Sale! Check it and a load of other deals out on Steam!
Likes: 70 Shares: 13 Posted:

Coming soon to #KillingFloor2! The Return of the Patriarch Content Pack including: New Boss: The Patriarch New Perk: Gunslinger 2 New Maps: Black Forest & Farmhouse Zed-Conomy & Trading Floor Steam Workshop Support for Mods and Maps And much more!
Likes: 457 Shares: 80 Posted:
Likes: 416 Shares: 108 Posted:

Have a look at some of the upcoming plans for #KillingFloor2 as we head into the Holiday Season
Likes: 60 Shares: 9 Posted:
Likes: 84 Shares: 7 Posted:

New WWAUT post featuring Tales O' the 'Slinger!
Likes: 86 Shares: 9 Posted:

It's Halloween Time and that's means it's time for another WWAUT post! Welcome to the Farmhouse.
Likes: 139 Shares: 6 Posted:

If you're heading to PAX Australia then make sure to come to the NVIDIA GeForce booth to play some #KillingFloor2!
Likes: 27 Shares: 2 Posted:

New WWAUT is live includng more details about the upccoming Gunslinger perk!
Likes: 155 Shares: 15 Posted:

New #KillingFloor2 Dev update is here
Likes: 78 Shares: 10 Posted:

New #KillingFloor2 dev update! Check it out here
Likes: 118 Shares: 13 Posted:

Great article about the teamwork of Killing Floor 2
Likes: 59 Shares: 4 Posted:

What's next for #KillingFloor2? Just the Gunslinger perk and the $50,000 mapping contest
Likes: 89 Shares: 10 Posted:

Hey! What happened to the achievements section!
Likes: 82 Shares: 2 Posted:

NVIDIA have released new drivers for #KillingFloor2! You can find more details here
Likes: 47 Shares: 3 Posted:

Polycount have announced new #KillingFloor2 Workshop Content. Check out the details here!
Likes: 80 Shares: 1 Posted:

The latest patch has gone live. You can find the changelog here
Likes: 59 Shares: 3 Posted:

The latest WWAUT has been posted including preliminary changelog for the next patch
Likes: 65 Shares: 0 Posted:

A new character, for instance, takes more than 50 developer days and involves about 10 people. Some of those operations can be in parallel, like working on an outfit and speech files, but some of them can only happen one after another. A new weapon might take about 65 developer days and pass through 14 sets of hands, in 70 steps, between concept art and finished zed killing machine. That includes multiple passes through programmers and animators to go from first to final state. A new perk may include new character animations, 4 new weapons, new skills, lines, shoot/FX animations, sounds, trader icons and lots of testing and balancing. A new map is no small undertaking at more than 250 developer days. I know lots of mappers and modders can make them faster, but I think you have seen that our maps are of a satisfying size, are decently detailed and run on most PC’s and different graphics settings. We try to make them as solid as possible and that includes finding and fixing hundreds of bugs (800+ on Paris) before we let anyone else play them. In this about 50 person company, there are 30-some programmers, designers, artists, animators and leads plus fewer than 10 testers. Our capacity utilization runs about 90%. In other words, we keep busy.
Likes: 263 Shares: 22 Posted:
Likes: 121 Shares: 14 Posted:

The #KillingFloor2 FREE WEEKEND on Steam has been EXTENDED one extra day! The free period now ends on Monday 9/7 at 10am PST/1pm EST and the 33% off sale now ends on Tues 9/8 at 10am PST/1pm EST - Enjoy!
Likes: 18 Shares: 1 Posted:

Hope to see you online!
Likes: 136 Shares: 28 Posted:

For those who missed out on the DOSH jacket for Mr Foster. PC Gamer is giving away 8000 codes for the skin. Click on the link for details on how to enter!
Likes: 104 Shares: 8 Posted:

The #KillingFloor2 FREE WEEKEND on Steam has started! Play for FREE (including the new Incinerate 'N Detonate Content) until Sunday 1PM PST... #KillingFloor2 is also on sale for 33% off! Check it out now!
Likes: 113 Shares: 29 Posted:

The Incinerate 'N Detonate update for #KillingFloor2 is out now! Adding 50% more content than what was available at launch. Killing Floor 2 will also take part in a Free Weekend taking place from September 3 - September 6 and will also be 33% off during that time.
Likes: 86 Shares: 19 Posted:

The Killing Floor 2 "Incinerate 'N Detonate" content patch is now live! Adding more than 50% more content to the game, available now players will be able to further explore the horrific world of KILLING FLOOR 2 with brand new content and features!
Likes: 138 Shares: 9 Posted:

Patch Notes for the latest patch. (v1011)
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Patch Notes for the recent update to the Preview
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Likes: 69 Shares: 3 Posted:

Details on how to Opt Into the Beta can be found here along with a full changelog for the update (Warning, it's pretty long!)
Likes: 102 Shares: 6 Posted:

The Killing Floor 2 opt in Beta is now live. To access the Beta, right click on Killing Floor 2 in your Steam Library and hit Properties. Switch to the Betas tab and select the Preview.8.15 Beta!
Likes: 132 Shares: 16 Posted:

New #KillingFloor2 update. Are You Ready to Beta? (Next Week!)
Likes: 88 Shares: 5 Posted:

Look who decided to show up at this years Gamescom! #KillingFloor2 #Gamescom2015
Likes: 213 Shares: 0 Posted:

New info in the Demolition perk coming in the next update! #KillingFloor2
Likes: 59 Shares: 2 Posted:

Learn more about the upcoming Firebug perk in #KillingFloor2 in the latest WWAUT post
Likes: 39 Shares: 1 Posted:

Check out the latest WWAUT including info on one of the new maps, Catacombs.
Likes: 46 Shares: 1 Posted:
Likes: 40 Shares: 3 Posted:

It's Friday and you know what that means. It's time for the latest What We Are Up To including information on the demolition perk in the upcoming update and an updated Dev Graph showing the amount of work left.
Likes: 82 Shares: 5 Posted:

New interview up with NVIDIA on the update for #KillingFloor2
Likes: 72 Shares: 2 Posted:

Check out the latest WWAUT regarding the Berserker perk on the coming content update for #KillingFloor2
Likes: 62 Shares: 5 Posted:

One of the level designers for Killing Floor 2 had written up bonus "What We Are Up To"!
Likes: 66 Shares: 1 Posted:

Keep up to date on the development of Killing Floor 2 by checking out the WWAUT posts made frequently
Likes: 56 Shares: 1 Posted:
Killing Floor 2 Game Information:
Game Type:
Game Description:
In KILLING FLOOR 2 players descend into continental Europe where the outbreak caused by Horzine Biotech’s failed experiment has quickly spread and gained unstoppable momentum, essentially paralyzing the European Union. Just one month after the conclusion of the events in the original KILLING FLOOR, the specimen clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; communications have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. The people of Europe know survival and self-preservation too well and lucky survivors have gone into hiding.
Not all have given up hope though... A group of civilians and mercenaries have banded together, paid for by Horzine, to combat the outbreak and established privately funded operation bases across Europe. Upon tracking specimen clone outbreaks, players will descend into zed-laden hot zones and exterminate them.
Steam User reviews: Very Positive (17,157 reviews)
Release Date: April 21, 2015
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