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laugh Welcome to the Club! Feel Free to Introduce yourself here yes

  19 Replies

Hey always good to find some free coins.

I could play my Kanomi for 24 hrs and not get enough. I wish I could get free coins and bonusses for my lap top or find a way to turn mobile coins in to lap top coins If you have any ideas as to how to find free coins for laptops I would be very greatful. Thanks and Merry Christmass !

How are y'all I'm Kevin thanks for letting me hang out
By clicking the free link shared by gamers I could not get those chips instead by click automatically directed to play store itself and hence could not get those free chips .. so sad anyone please help me out to get those free chips from the linksdirectly ..
Hi I'm Brandon

hi this is Patricia

I'm new to this and was wondering how you add players?

Hey!! Trying to find a way to get free coins so I can actually play for a little bit! The daily free bonuses from the site aren’t enough. I bought some coins but I swear I never won off that and it runs out too fast! Help’

Trying to get as many Free coins as possible. My name is Brent and I can't get enough coins to cover my time wanting to play

Hi every one

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