Old Vegas Slots Having problems with getting Credits and Bonuses

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Hello and Good Day

I am having problems with getting credits and Bonuses my little Icon is on the right top like it should be and the auto share link is active. But for some reason can't get anything. I click on the get free bonus nothing I go where their are all the boxes to click for credits and nothing !! what did I do that it is not working  I was on this all night trying to figure this out and I am lost. I hope that you can help me by chance for I can't figure out what I did wrong . I am not into computers but I did follow the instructions but guess I miss something for not getting anything !!  I now have Chromebook so Could someone help me if possible Please. Thank you and have a great day.

Debra Lynn Broughton

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there is only 1 free credit today i think you have already click them all.

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