Trying To Collect Anything,coins,gold.
Tried to collect on chips just now and was told i reached my limit how can this be when i only checked in right now.i have never collected on the gold.Once a day for the cards at this rate it'll take me forever to get a full set of cards.i think they need to have everything where you can collect at least twice a day. just tried to get the collectible again only 31 minutes gone and they said i took too long to can they say that anything else its usually 2 or 3 hours and sometimes collect freebies or not too often chips.i think its fixed myself.why else can i not get anything.everybody else seems to be to collect.
you have chips sir
plsse give me sir
gave me only 1m plsse
thanks if you have
what gives with these free bonus items you can't even collect anything,just tried again after 20 minutes and they said i missed all i tried for.can never get any gold ,very rarely get any collectibles. something wrong with this.can only get cards,chips after 24 hours thats not right.somebody do something.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
i just tried to get a collectible with only ten minutes on the timer and only had 9 people collected they said i missed bad are these stupid bonus deals.can't collect any gold since this started or collectibles.
I have tried for over a year to collect free credits or anything but get no help at all! Any suggestions?
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