Jackpot Crush Hot Tip: Jackpot Crush Extra Free Coins

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Here is a hot tip that seems to be ignored by everyone who play this game.

Join Jackpot Crush Super Group! There is an admin that post a trivia question from time to time.

Simply answer the trivia and include your Player ID Number in your post. 


---> Find the ADMIN post then "You Post the Answer and your Player ID".. You have nothing to loose. If you are too shy, you don't have to use your personal Facebook Account you can use your alternate account if you have one.. You just need to post your player id to credit it to your gaming account.


How to Join? Tap this link or search "Jackpot Crush Super Group" on Facebook App:


as of now few people know this... As I join only 10-30 players are answering.

Aside from answering the trivia there is a Free Coin Link posted. Hope that helps laugh


How to get your Player ID

Open jackpot crush app then go to settings.

jackpot crush free coins


Hot Tip! Avoid getting scam! ALWAYS verify the admin who post! 


jackpot crush free coins

Well this is a farely new game.. they are trying to harbor more players and giving away free coins generously..

So enjoy while it last!

As always never stick to one game keep playing other slot games... That way you have always something to play and never run out.. never have to pay for in game coins... which means free cheap entertainment for you! 

That's it Enjoy! Love,

Jessie  yes






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Daym Jess, you killed it, thanks alot love will follow those steps for sure

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