Pool Live Tour Cheats, Gold & Tips
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Pool Live Tour Ultimate Cheats - Cheat Engine
Ultimate Cheats for Pool Live Tour includes: Max Cue Poin, Anti- Traps, Big Hole, Cue Point and Battery cheats.Download Pool Live Tour
Posted by
- 42,085
- 108

Cheat Pool Live Tour All Hacks: Wins, Long Aim & Old Cue
Cheat Pool Live Tour Cheat Engine .CT File All Hacks includes: Always Win, Long Aim and Buy Old Cue. All hack uses cheat engine.
Posted by
- 41,949
- 87

Pool live Toor
Welcome i'm Zoubaier, I want to participate with you Welcome i'm Zoubaier, I want to participate with youWelcome i'm Zoubaier, I want to
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Latest on Pool Live Tour

What do you think about this? Is your Pool day everyday too? :) Let us know in the comments!
Likes: 189 Shares: 0 Posted:

Did you stock up on Coins during the special bonus offer? This is nearly your last chance, you have just few hours left! Don't miss it >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 148 Shares: 1 Posted:

It's Friday! Give yourself some time to relax and watch the best shots in our Shot of the Match compilation! Feeling inspired? >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 152 Shares: 8 Posted:

Low on Coins? We're here to solve your problem and boost your future supply with this great Coins Bonus offer! For the whole weekend you can get twice as many Coins on select Coin packages :) Buy now! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 176 Shares: 6 Posted:

How is your day going in Pool Live Tour? Are you giving that "once in a lifetime" performance, or you're more of Donald Duck today? ;) Let us know! http://gph.is/296CrQH
Likes: 382 Shares: 60 Posted:

Another Black Friday special deal - Firebeam for crazy 590 Gold! That's hard to pass! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 349 Shares: 7 Posted:

Mike Sigel or Efren Reyes? Captain Hook or The Magician? Both are beyond great, but who do you prefer? Let's vote! :)
Likes: 393 Shares: 5 Posted:

Black Friday is in full swing! 8-Ball cue, one of your all-time favourites is now in the Shop for amazing 290 Gold! Don't miss this chance! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 490 Shares: 4 Posted:

Black Friday sale just begun! Until Monday you have a chance to buy some of the coolest cues and table prints for VERY special price! Offer includes such gems as Firebeam, Spartan or Diamond 8 cue and many more! Don't miss this unique opportunity! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 258 Shares: 6 Posted:

And these Trickshot artists are still just kids! Isn't it amazing? Let us know what you think! Do you know these two? :)
Likes: 1,904 Shares: 0 Posted:

Who won the Angel Wings cue? 🎁 The two lucky winners are Femić Ognjen and Ryan Anderson, congratulations! Thank you all for participating! :)
Likes: 250 Shares: 1 Posted:

Angel Wings cue GIVEAWAY! 🎁 This cue is simply amazing with its luminous, graceful, almost out of this world design! What is the thing YOU like about it the most? Let us know in the comments below, include your ID and wait for your chance to be one of TWO lucky winners of this cue! :) http://gph.is/2flwfoS
Likes: 489 Shares: 12 Posted:

Share the best of your Shots and get included in the Shot of the Match video! It's not just the earned fame you'll get - we'll reward the best of you with some gold as well! :) Make a shot you'll be proud of >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 243 Shares: 3 Posted:

You have few more hours to enjoy Golden Wheel of Fortune and win some Gold, Coins or Angel Wings cue if you still don't have it! Spin it now! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 228 Shares: 2 Posted:

How do you like this Golden Wheel of Fortune's gem - Angel Wings cue? 👼 Do you already have it? Tell us in the comments! :)
Likes: 550 Shares: 6 Posted:

Golden Wheel of Fortune is now live! Don't miss the chance to get some extra coins, gold or to win the out of this world kind of cue - Angel Wings! Stay tuned for giveaway news! 🎁 The event ends on Sunday, good luck! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 269 Shares: 7 Posted:

Wow! Did you know how the good Pool tables are born? 🎱
Likes: 244 Shares: 0 Posted:

Where are your Friends? 🔑🔑🔑 Until Thursday you have chance to open Box of Friendship and find Coins, Gold or some amazing Cues in it! All you need to open the Box is to share and collect keys with your friends! :) Start now! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 462 Shares: 16 Posted:

Motivational Monday! A little something to inspire you to get better and better! 🌟 Start now! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 292 Shares: 0 Posted:

Look at this! There are always new ways of upgrading your Pool accessories! Have you seen something like this in real life? Which one would you pick? 💂
Likes: 462 Shares: 9 Posted:

Gold, gold, gold... what do we love better that a nice, big package of precious Gold? Since we know you just love Gold, we are now starting Gold Bonus offer, with +50% Gold on selected packages! You're gonna need it soon! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 201 Shares: 1 Posted:

Lucky winners of the box full of Gold aaaaare..... Jerry Barcoma Ambaic, Richard Filip and Juliano Balo, congratulations! Thank you all for participating 😊
Likes: 270 Shares: 3 Posted:

Your votes decided we will open box B! That means lots of Gold for lucky three of you, who will LIKE and COMMENT below this post with their ID.... and of course will be picked! :)
Likes: 711 Shares: 12 Posted:

Which box should we open? 🎁 Cast your vote in the comments below and we'll open the one with the most votes. Hmmm... wonder what could be inside ;)
Likes: 630 Shares: 6 Posted:

Have you ever had your fortune told by a Magic 8 Ball? No? Never? Then it's time to make that right! Tell us what you asked & what did our precious 8-Ball had to say about it! 🎱 http://www.poollivetour2.com/magic8ball/en/index.html
Likes: 349 Shares: 6 Posted:

Did you stock up on Coins during the special bonus offer? This is nearly your last chance, you have just few hours left! Don't miss it >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 191 Shares: 1 Posted:

Which hall would you prefer if you could play in any of those two? Would it be an atmosphere vs. technology question for you? Or something else? Let us know! :)
Likes: 440 Shares: 4 Posted:

Low on Coins? We're here to solve your problem and boost your future supply with this great Coins Bonus offer! For the whole weekend you can get twice as many Coins on select Coin packages :) Buy now! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 165 Shares: 1 Posted:

Wow! Which one would you pick? The triangle, the circle or the hexagon shaped one? ▼●▧ Tell us in the comments!
Likes: 1,624 Shares: 0 Posted:

Who are those lucky players who won yesterday's giveaway? Skeleton Warrior will make Andréz Arze happy, Dark Mage goes to Õûşşamã Rçã-ğb aaaand Wraith King now belongs to Susil Kumara, congratulations! 😊
Likes: 304 Shares: 5 Posted:

Halloween cues Giveaway! 🎁 Weren't you lucky with Mystery Boxes and still want to have one of its perfect cues in your rack? THREE of you will be lucky winners of ONE of these awesome cues! Which one do you like the most? Skeleton Warrior, Dark Mage or Wraith King? LIKE & COMMENT below with its name and your ID number! :)
Likes: 523 Shares: 3 Posted:

Halloween Tournaments with double prizes sadly didn't go as planned - but we are working on a way to refund all who won and didn't get the right prize! 🎃 🎃 🎃
Likes: 353 Shares: 1 Posted:

The day before Halloween, welcome the scariest of them all, the Wraith King himself! Rising from the other side, this emperor will destroy anything in his path to achieve victory. Get one for yourself now! bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 343 Shares: 3 Posted:

Beware, the Dark Mage has arrived! Make sure this one stands on your side.... Have you found the Dark Mage in your Box yet? bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 344 Shares: 3 Posted:

The spooktacular fun continues with the start of Halloween Tournaments! Get started now for your chance to win DOUBLE PRIZES in ALL Halloween Tournaments! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 233 Shares: 5 Posted:

First monster to climb out of the Mystery box is the Skeleton Warrior! This corpse is certainly not trembling with fear but sure can chill you to the bone... Open the box to see what's inside! bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 258 Shares: 3 Posted:

Here comes another sweet Halloween treat for you! 🎃 Halloween Mystery Boxes are now live! Don't miss this chance to win Coins, Gold or some magnificent, bloodcurdling cues! 💀 Open one now! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 270 Shares: 2 Posted:

Who was the one lucky winner of the beautiful and powerful Unicorn cue? It was Poul Brøchner Nielsen, congratulations! Thank you all for participating! ☺
Likes: 342 Shares: 4 Posted:

Here comes the GIVEAWAY we promised! 🎁 ONE of you can get the newest Unicorn cue and the only thing you have to to do is to Like & Comment with your ID number included! :) Good luck everyone!
Likes: 1,037 Shares: 40 Posted:

We're kicking off our week-long Halloween festivities with the addition of Halloween Slots! Take a stab to win lots of Coins with these spooktastic Slots today! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 274 Shares: 2 Posted:

Halloween week of great events is starting right now! Be sure to stay tuned! ;)
Likes: 0 Shares: 26 Posted:

Have a look at some of the best Shots of the Match and get inspired! Congratulation to Anna, Yimmy, Hassan, Carlos, Sukhvinder, Şahin and Nemanja! What do you think about our picks?
Likes: 187 Shares: 13 Posted:

Golden Wheel of Fortune is now live! Don't miss the chance to get some extra coins, gold or to win the star of the Golden Wheel - gorgeous and powerful Unicorn cue! Stay tuned for giveaway news! 🎁 The event ends on Monday, good luck! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 248 Shares: 0 Posted:

Box of Friendship is here, get in touch with your friends! Don't miss the chance to win Coins, Gold or some amazing Cues! All you need to open the Box is to share and collect keys with your friends! 🔑 The event ends on Friday, better get started now >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 260 Shares: 2 Posted:

There are so many ways pool tables are! If you could have any of these pool tables, which one would you pick? Sound off in the comments!
Likes: 1,035 Shares: 66 Posted:

Football Billiard - when the most popular game in the world meets the game we are so passionate about here at Pool Live Tour fan page! Looks fun, don't you think?
Likes: 4,193 Shares: 0 Posted:

Have you picked up your bag of Gold from the great Bonus offer? You still have some time left to do so! >> bit.ly/play-plt <<
Likes: 337 Shares: 6 Posted:

Have you tried the new Pool Live Tour yet? It has everything we wanted and much more is yet to come! Download & show us some <3 by giving us review! Google Play: https://goo.gl/cQ6Oua iOS: http://m.onelink.me/90496be7
Likes: 166 Shares: 0 Posted:

This weekend is the perfect time to pick up some Gold as you can score 50% more Gold on select packages! What are going to buy with it? Let us know! Pick some up today >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 233 Shares: 2 Posted:

Who has won the contest? 🏆 The lucky winners are: Griffyn G. Lane, Amir Khateeb, Brian Almada, Matias Manuel Laruffa and Xevi Xavi - congratulations! What are you going to spend your Gold at? :)
Likes: 221 Shares: 0 Posted:

Dive into the field of cryptanalysis! Guess the secret number code and win yourself some precious Gold! 💰 We will randomly pick the winners from the right answers tomorrow :)
Likes: 465 Shares: 2 Posted:

Share the best of your Shots and get included in the Shot of the Match video! It's not just the earned fame you'll get - we'll reward the best of you with some gold as well! :) Make a shot you'll be proud of >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 237 Shares: 2 Posted:

How are you doing during the Double Tournaments weekend? How many times have you won so far? We want to know! ;)
Likes: 247 Shares: 2 Posted:

Even the 8-Ball is crazy for these 8-legged friends! Today is the International Octopus day and we're celebrating these incredible inky creatures! Wanna see the 8-Ball in his natural environment? This way then! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 228 Shares: 1 Posted:

Venom says that size doesn't matter and he proves himself right away! Is there something he can't do? 🎱 Make your own trickshots now! bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 2,221 Shares: 0 Posted:

🏆 Double prizes in Tournaments for the whole weekend! 🏆 Get the most out of it! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 278 Shares: 2 Posted:

🎉 Who won the 'Design your own Cue contest?' 🏆 Your votes decided it! First place goes to Xhevair Xhevi, who wins the Aquamarine Dream cue! His 'Power of Time' cue will make it to the game in the future! Second place goes to Mladen Jovanovic who wished for the Diamond 8 cue and third place goes to Ajmi Nader who wished for the Ruby cue! Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to everyone who participated! :)
Likes: 327 Shares: 3 Posted:

It was very hard to pick the best designs but here we are, the first round of the 'Design your own Cue' contest is over! 🏁 Like & Vote for the best cue in the comments! A - Mechanical Duality by Dario Dragicevic B - Power of Time by Xhevair Xhevi C - New Pirate Cue by Mladen Jovanovic D - Agnes by Ajmi Nader Thank you all for participating and sharing great designs with us! :)
Likes: 365 Shares: 18 Posted:

Who was the lucky one to win the Aquamarine Dream? :) It was Paul Shanley, congratulations! Thank you all for saying how much you like Aquamarine Dream! :)
Likes: 295 Shares: 2 Posted:

Haven't been lucky enough to spin the Aquamarine Dream out of the Golden Wheel? Well do not despair! Tell us why you should be the one who gets this beautiful cue and we'll give it to ONE of you for free! Try your luck once again >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 506 Shares: 7 Posted:

Two days left to the end of Design your own Cue contest! We've received some very good designs so far, will yours make the cut? Last chance to participate, don't hesitate for too long... ;)
Likes: 268 Shares: 0 Posted:

Welcome to October, official Pizza month! Yes, pizza-loving people all around the world can eat many kinds of pizza this month! We just can't resist being part of that! Grab a slice and play! ;) >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 251 Shares: 1 Posted:

Golden Wheel of Fortune is now live! Don't miss the chance to get some extra coins, gold or to win the star of the Golden Wheel... Aquamarine Dream, the charming descendant of the famous Aquamarine Cue! 🎁 Spin the Wheel now! :) >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 245 Shares: 1 Posted:

What do you think of coin-operated pool tables? Are they common in your country? Tell us in the comments! Play now >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 262 Shares: 2 Posted:

Need those creative juices to start flowing? Here's something from the real world... Meet the Intimidator, the one of the most expensive cues ever! This piece of art made from stainless steel, 24K gold and genuine Obsidian stone was sold for unbelievable $150 000! How do you like it? Sound off in the comments!
Likes: 375 Shares: 3 Posted:

Unleash the creative in you and design a cue! From now till 4th October you've got a very special chance to show us your ideas for cues! Three of the best designers will win a cue of their choice! Not only that, but we will also implement the winning cue in PLT in the future :) Rules: - post a picture of your design (hand-drawn preferably) - the picture must contain your ID/ name (to prove the design is yours) - give your cue a name
Likes: 286 Shares: 2 Posted:

Did you stock up on Coins during the special bonus offer? This is your last chance! Don't miss it >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 233 Shares: 1 Posted:

Face the sun! Celebrate this special astronomical event called the Autumn Equinox right before the weekend full of... what? What are you going to do on weekend? Play Pool Live Tour? Let us know! :)
Likes: 328 Shares: 1 Posted:

Low on Coins? We're here to solve your problem and boost your future supply with this great Coins Bonus offer! Until Monday only, you can get twice as many Coins on select Coin packages :) Buy now! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 171 Shares: 1 Posted:

Are you in the mood for some friendly gathering? We hope you are, because the Box of Friendship is back again! Don't miss the chance to win Coins, Gold or some amazing Cues! All you need to open the Box is to share and collect keys with your friends! 🔑 The event ends on Thursday, better get started now >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 266 Shares: 7 Posted:

"If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." Nelson Mandela Think about that when you hit the Pool tables today, on the International day of Peace :) >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 351 Shares: 5 Posted:

Golden cups are over... What did you buy with all the gold you won? Nothing yet? Spend your Gold now ;) >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 205 Shares: 1 Posted:

Oktoberfest starts today! 🍻 Originating in Munich, the largest beer festival in the world isn't limited to Germany anymore. Millions of people stretching from Brazil to Japan enjoy it each year! "Zum Wohl" everyone! :D
Likes: 360 Shares: 5 Posted:

Cowboys and cowgirls... feeling the gold rush? Have you already hit Golden Slots? Let us know how you're spending the Golden Weekend in comments! :) Place your bets now!>> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 250 Shares: 2 Posted:

Perfect time to get your hands on shiny Gold... ...since we're bringing you the Golden Tournaments 🏆 along with great 20% off select Gold packages! Worried about entry fee? We've got first 1000 of you covered with this special link >> https://goo.gl/bfvOY5 ;) Link is valid for 12 hours!
Likes: 315 Shares: 3 Posted:

Continuing to make you happy, today we present the new Shot of the Match video! :) What do you think about the new style? Let us know in comments! Are you inspired? Try to make your best shot today >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 160 Shares: 10 Posted:

Winners of the Galaxy Cues Giveaway are Saad Şaad, Dhike, Laura Kebles, Andréz Arze and John Tuck, congratulations! Thank you all for your participation :)
Likes: 307 Shares: 1 Posted:

Didn't get the cue of your dreams during the Galaxy Mystery Boxes event? Like & vote for the best cue in comments with either A for 'Space Rogue', B for 'Space Ranger' or C for 'Star Fighter' and we will randomly choose 5 winners who will get one of these magnificent cues! Don't forget to include your ID ;)
Likes: 836 Shares: 7 Posted:

This is your chance to become the invincible master of galaxy - the time has come to rule the universe with Star Fighter! Is this one your favorite of the three? Let us know in the comments below!
Likes: 427 Shares: 1 Posted:

Justice is on your side when you crush your opponents with this luminous beauty... Hold your hats, Space Ranger has arrived!
Likes: 363 Shares: 0 Posted:

Galaxy newbie? Every journey has its start, let yours be the powerful one with this special Space Rogue Cue!
Likes: 369 Shares: 2 Posted:

Adventure from outer space! Open up a Galaxy Mystery Box today and go on a journey to win Gold, Coins or one of three exclusive (and truly amazing) Galaxy cues! :) >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 332 Shares: 0 Posted:

Step out to the 4D world for a minute and learn How to Jump in real-life billiards! Have you ever succeeded in making a trickshot like this one? Sound off in the comments! Feeling more comfy in 2D space? >> bit.ly/play-plt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYUs-RtDeuY
Likes: 157 Shares: 4 Posted:

Changing the balls numbers? ...well, we just think you must have better idea to improve Pool Live Tour... ;) What would you change? Tell us in the comments!
Likes: 398 Shares: 5 Posted:

Time to show off! When it comes to Shot of the Match, it ain't time for modesty... Show us the best of your shots an we'll reward some of them!
Likes: 251 Shares: 2 Posted:

School is back again! Did you pass through the school gates to start a new year? Just remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy... ;) Play now! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 312 Shares: 2 Posted:

Houston, we have a problem... or do we? If you need to level up, up to the stars, then the weekend is the perfect time for it! Sound off about your journey in comments! T-0, starting now! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 372 Shares: 3 Posted:

Need more Gold? We've got you covered! Check out our 50% bonus on select packages for the whole weekend! That means the same money for twice as much precious Gold ;) Get yours now >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 266 Shares: 4 Posted:

Oh yes, he's back. The 8 Ball Genie is back and ready to grant some of your Coins, Gold and Cues wishes! Tell us in the comments what is the ONE thing you want the most in PLT and we are going to make some of you lucky! Don't forget to include your ID ;)
Likes: 1,230 Shares: 20 Posted:

Learn how to break 8 Ball! Have you already tried this in Pool Live Tour? Or do you have some different strategy going on? Tell us in comments! Try now >> bit.ly/play-plt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xig92Lo72M
Likes: 226 Shares: 1 Posted:

Did you manage to get your dream cue in the weekend sale? Tell us what is your favourite cue of all time in the comments! Cue sale is coming to an end >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 553 Shares: 2 Posted:

Pool has been around for quite some time, but did you know this? Play now! bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 385 Shares: 1 Posted:

Hold onto your Gold... buy unique cues with this huge discount! Piano, Lizard, Loki, Thor, Black widow, Diamond 8 and the beloved Aquamarine cues are on sale for the whole weekend! The wait is over, shop now! >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 338 Shares: 0 Posted:

What was the name of the game in yesterday's contest? The game is called Russian pyramid, also known as pyramid or Russian billiards! Congratulations to Rick Z., Aman A., Oscar J., Rania E. and Chris David M. who were picked as winners!
Likes: 233 Shares: 1 Posted:

Take a guess for a chance to win some gold with this new contest! What type of billiard sport is depicted here? Reply in a comment! Hint: the colours of the balls are distinctive for this version of billiard We'll choose winners randomly, don't forget to include your ID :)
Likes: 503 Shares: 3 Posted:

Get inspired by the best Shots of the Match! Is yours featured? Let us know in the comments! Isn't it? Try to make the best shot today, then... ;) >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 195 Shares: 8 Posted:

The incredible sporting event, that is the Olympic Games, is now over. Did you watch it? How many medals did your country win?
Likes: 420 Shares: 3 Posted:

When you hit the tables of Pool Live Tour this weekend, give a chance to this ultimate pool song by Johnny Lang! The bass makes you wanna win! Rack'em up! bit.ly/play-plt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvA-nnrKIMs
Likes: 162 Shares: 3 Posted:

Stacks of coins, less money spent! We're running a special 50% discount on select Coin packages all weekend long. Get yours now >> bit.ly/play-plt
Likes: 190 Shares: 2 Posted:
Pool Live Tour Game Information:
Monthly Users: 1,000,000
Weekly Users: 500,000
Daily Users: 100,000
Monthly Users Rank: 165
Daily Users Rank: 232
Fan Page Likes: 4,616,422
Fan Page Talking About Count: 3,834
Platform: Android Facebook iOS
Game Types: Sports
Company: Geewa
Website: http://www.poollivetour.com/
Release Date: 2009
Game Status: Active
Geewa Company Overview
We develop and publish casual competitive multiplayer games, playable and connected across multiple platforms. Geewa games are available for browsers and mobile platforms, so you can play on Facebook, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
Geewa Company Mission
We aim to bring the unique experience of competitive multiplayer gaming to a casual audience, which is embodied in our motto: “Challenge Anyone”.