Ultimate Cheats for Pool Live Tour includes: Max Cue Poin, Anti-Traps, Big Hole, Cue Point and Battery cheats.
Download Pool Live Tour Ultimate Cheats here https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0BygdE8FUE-2sNzlob2FTamxzNlk&export=download
Step by Step Guide using Pool Live Tour Ultimate Cheats
- Open Pool Live Tour on Facebook -> http://apps.facebook.com/pool-live/ (Do not Play a Match)
- Extract the zip file. You will see a file called: "Pool_Live_Tour_V_2_1.CT" a cheat engine script.
- Open your Cheat Engine. If you don't have it you don’t need to Install just download the “No Setup Version Here http://www.cheatengine.org/download/cheatengine64_NoSetup.rar ”. Extract the rar file and go to the folder and open Cheat Engine.
- On Cheat Engine select a process to open. Click the first icon or go to File -> Open Process ( select the last chrome.exe if you are using google chrome and FlashPlayer plugin for firefox)
- Load the Script in Cheat Engine go to File -> Open File or Press CTRL + O
- Activate the Cheat. Tick/Check all the boxes below the Active Tab or Select all and press space bar on your keyboard.
Go back and play the game check if its working.