Rebel Galaxy Rebel Galaxy Cheats & Walkthrough

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Rebel Galaxy Cheats that works on Steam and GOG

Rebel Galaxy 13 cheats that works for Steam and GOG. Cheats like Infinite Health Deflectors Booster Rockets Ammo and more. Download the Rebel Galaxy Cheats here

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Rebel Galaxy Walkthrough: Spaceships Complete List

Rebel Galaxy Walkthrough the full list of all available Spaceships with tips about its stats, price credits, details and stations how to get them.

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Rebel Galaxy Money Cheats & Tips

Rebel Galaxy quick money cheats & tips. So you want to buy a new ship but short in cash? Using the cheat engine cheat try to combine this...

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Rebel Galaxy

We gave out some PRETTY cool stuff at PAX. Well, now we have MUCH FANCIER versions of that stuff available on our new web store - including blueprints, a killer poster from Dave McCaig, and some rad shirts. Check it!

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Rebel Galaxy

We put together a little half-hour walkthrough of the (frankly ridiculous) ingame ship painting tool for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw - get your Bob Ross on!

Likes: 50 Shares: 9 Posted:

Rebel Galaxy

Mornin', y'all! So, you wanted to cut inertial damping & stay in-world when zipping around the solar system. Sounds good to us. Here y'go!

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Rebel Galaxy

IGN has 1 hour of straight-up narrated gameplay footage, so you can see how this plays without any cuts for trailers. Youtube Link:

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Rebel Galaxy

Howdy friends! I'm sipping tea and putting up my feet and recovering my voice post-PAX - SpiderMan for PS4 could come out today and that'd be OK and would fit right into my recuperation plans. Right Insomniac? Anyway! IGN has our first short gameplay trailer live now - EDIT: Youtube link here - A 1-hour narrated gameplay walkthrough goes up Thursday-

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Rebel Galaxy

Apologies for the lateness, but it's tough to get a signal from the showfloor that lets me fumble through Facebooks :) Our new game Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is now announced, with a trailer from the awesome folks at Titmouse Inc. Animation Studio - Playable on the showfloor at Pax West, new website here! More stuff coming - a gameplay trailer Tuesday, and a 1hr narrated gameplay walkthru Thursday. Off to bed! I'm wrecked :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Well hello there everyone! I know we’ve kept pretty mum. We are announcing our next project in 2 days at PAX West in Seattle. Come visit us at booth #7603 and play what we’ve been working on and get some sweet swag (different stuff each day) We are super proud of what we have put together and we have not one or two but FOUR trailers we will be releasing over the next week, including a continuous hour of narrated gameplay footage. See ya out there!

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Rebel Galaxy

Things Double Damage has purchased in the last few months -

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Rebel Galaxy

Ok, and ONE MORE, for fun. 4k screenshot Howie snapped. You're gonna have to pan around if like most of us (including me) you suffer the indignity of 1080p. And to answer the first few questions 1)Game still unnanounced 2)No release date yet 3)No not april fool's 4)Consoles still important to us 5)HOTAS

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Rebel Galaxy Click the link for big nice version.

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Rebel Galaxy

We're VERY pleased to announce our involvement with this project.

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Rebel Galaxy

Rebel Galaxy is now live and available for purchase on Steam and Good old Games, for PC and Mac.

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Rebel Galaxy

Rebel Galaxy releases for PC and Mac in < 20 hours! Steam- Good Old Games

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Rebel Galaxy

20 days til release! Holy crow! Anyway, do you want to see some Rebel Galaxy footage that isn't a trailer, and do you really REALLY want to hear the sound of my voice for a half-hour, while I talk the particulars of gameplay? Your prayers have been answered.

Likes: 81 Shares: 10 Posted:

Rebel Galaxy

Long time no post! That's 'cause we've been busy. But now we're announcing the release date, with this sweet new trailer. Yay! Mark your calendars. October 20th! 20 bucks! Skip 4 lattes and become a space pirate!

Likes: 118 Shares: 42 Posted:

Rebel Galaxy

Long time no post! That's 'cause we've been busy. But now we're announcing the release date, with this sweet new trailer. Yay! Mark your calendars. October 20th! 20 bucks! Skip 4 lattes and become a space pirate!

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Rebel Galaxy

We're pleased to announce that Rebel Galaxy will also be available at Good Old Games at launch! That means DRM-free, dontcha know!

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Rebel Galaxy

So what's been happenin' since our Press&Streamers build? *Several new weapon and gear types *Revised Galaxy Map with per-system information *All remaining artwork and animation integrated into the game *Continued work on the encounters and missions for the remainder of the game areas At this point we are spending all of our time on missions/events/ship loadout variants/and balance. Onward to completion! Cheers!

Likes: 48 Shares: 2 Posted:

Rebel Galaxy

We've just posted a little preview roundup from our recently concluded Press&Streamers week. Check it out!

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Rebel Galaxy

Check it out! :)

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Rebel Galaxy

#RebelGalaxy Sunday Patch Notes! *Y-Flip works properly in precision turret mode. *Y-Flip works properly, period, in mouse mode *Loose cargo inhibits sublight - easier to tractor up when on its own *Dead John and some other frigates have less ridiculous escape boost. Easier to catch! *Mining lasers are now much more effective short-range weapons, faster/briefer firing, and more expensive. Dual utility! Mk2 Mining laser is also back as a result. *Right thumb-stick can be used to navigate command menu *A few mild mouse control tweaks. *Mouse sensitivity options are less extreme *Rescue-able merchants are now stronger vs fighter damage, to make them more rescue-able. *Garris now costs 1500 credits minimum to hire him, so new players won't accidentally use all their credits first thing.

Likes: 8 Shares: 0 Posted:

Rebel Galaxy

#RebelGalaxy Saturday Night Patch Notes! Restart Steam and grab it, especially if you use a mouse! *Much improved mouse control! Turret mode specifically is much more precise, both in motion, and with better 'locking' behavior, but broadsides are more responsive as well. It is also possible to view your ship from varying pitch in the same way you can with a gamepad, without having it immediately snap back to axis. *Several mouse-mode bug fixes *You can see the Risk rating for a mission on its waypoint, colorcoded. *Death screen tips.

Likes: 13 Shares: 0 Posted:

Rebel Galaxy

Patch notes for Steam Press build - *Music and sound settings are alterable ingame in the system menu *UI 'chirp' and 'beep' sounds are less piercing and annoying *If you play in MKB mode and hold CTRL to open the command menu (as opposed to pressing), it won't re-open after you select an option *Sublight and Warp engagement ranges have been tightened up to make it easier to get to sublight and warp near other objects. Hostiles have the same inhibition range as before. *Don't show proximity warnings around stations. You autodock if you hit touch them anyway! *Remove mining laser 2, which wasn't supposed to be there, and would crash if you bought it! *Fixed a spelling error or two. *Inflight mission log buttons have the correct rollover state. *Minor fiddly bits.

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Rebel Galaxy

Here's the archived stream if you missed it -

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Rebel Galaxy

In celebration of our first Press/Streaming release candidate, how about some Twitch tonight at 9:00 PST? AMA!

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Rebel Galaxy

Interview on Playstation.Blog - Checking in at 48:50 or so. Enjoy the sultry sounds of my voice. :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Check out Dan's great writeup over at IGN. Yay!

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Rebel Galaxy

Check out our interview with On the Red Carpet TiC Podcast - thanks guys, we had a lot of fun!

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Rebel Galaxy

Lot of late nights these last few weeks, trying to buckle everything down for a press/streaming build. That's meant a lot of optimization, polish, and content integration. Exhausting but rewarding :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Check out a video preview with Charlie Hall and Griffin McElroy over at Polygon! -

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Rebel Galaxy

Missed the Rebel Galaxy Stream? Here's the highlights

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Rebel Galaxy

Streaming Rebel Galaxy at 8PM PST tonight. Come by and AMA!

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Rebel Galaxy

The last week has been pretty exciting: We reached base feature completion, and also got our last piece of spec'ed artwork. Does that mean we're done? Heck no! But it's still a great milestone. Now we shift almost completely to content/mission/balance/encounter/conversation work. Oh, there will still be code changes, and we'll do some pick-up artwork - we'll discover stuff we just have to have, but it's good times!

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Rebel Galaxy

Here's the meat of the stream from tonight. Played too long!

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Rebel Galaxy

How about a little streaming at 9:30 PST? Time to earn a new ship. Come ask questions and hang out!

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Rebel Galaxy

So, after getting Twitch set up and doing a few test streams, I'm considering doing some Dev Streams, or Play Streams, and maybe an occasionally updated dev blog to answer some commonly asked stuff. Is that of interest to anyone? And if so, what sort of thing would you most like to see? A lot of questions I get at shows, or on Twitter are pretty evenly split between game/feature/release date sort of stuff, and then more development-oriented questions (where should I start, what should I do, which languages should I use, and so on)

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Rebel Galaxy

While at PAX South, we used 2 Alienware Alphas to demo. They were really slick! And way cheaper than leasing computers. Ran the game great!

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Rebel Galaxy

We're back home now after an awesome few days at the inaugural PAX South in San Antonio. We met so many great people and had a blast showing Rebel Galaxy, talking, playing, laughing, and eventually losing our voices. Seriously, that soft-serve cone I had after the show ended was heaven. Everyone seemed to have a great time, and we were grateful for the opportunity to put the game in the hands of people who more often than not had never heard of it. Nothing made us smile as much as that triumphant fist-pump when a pirate corvette exploded in a shower of junk. Thank you so much to everyone who dropped by our booth and played or spoke with us. We love being the scrappy little game again. Take care, and we hope you all got home safely and had a nice lie-in today!

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Rebel Galaxy

We hit Polygon. Yay! :)

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Rebel Galaxy

We made RPS' Games of 2015 list! Best part? We're in RPG and the rest of the Space Games are in Simulation. I love that we are hard to classify :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Heading to PAX South? Come by and see us at booth #1637 and play a little Rebel Galaxy! Erich and I will be there to answer any questions :)

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Rebel Galaxy Hey, a Shacknews interview from the PSX showfloor, where I talk too fast, and Max Schaefer demos in the background :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Legendarium was nice enough to stop by PSX, and did a nice write-up :) Check it out!

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Rebel Galaxy

And a little more GameInformer. It's nice to be on the radar :)

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Rebel Galaxy

A nice write up from GameInformer after visiting us at PSX!

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Rebel Galaxy

Come by our booth today at #PSX, Like us on Facebook, and take away one of these sweet shirts!

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Rebel Galaxy

Booth all set up at PSX, ready for hands-on players tomorrow! :)

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Rebel Galaxy An interview with RPGFan-

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Rebel Galaxy

Cool! Hands-on feature over at PC Gamer.

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Rebel Galaxy

Check out this interview with Erich on GamingNexus -

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Rebel Galaxy

Oh, hey! It's a Space game Junkie podcast with live footage. How about that? Thanks for having us Brian and Jim!

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Rebel Galaxy An interview we did with Punk and Lizard-

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Rebel Galaxy

Playstation blog today :)

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Rebel Galaxy

And Tyler Young's killer nebula art -

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Rebel Galaxy

And of course, can't forget Stéphane Chasseloup - and his awesome spaceship designs (and modeling and texturing!)

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Rebel Galaxy

Blitworks has been doing the initial console port-work (and will probably be helping me with TCRs down the line!) A great team doing great stuff!

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Rebel Galaxy

And also JP Roy's character work (The humans from the trailer)

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Rebel Galaxy

Check out Eric Pochat's work - Eric did the alien character from the trailer :)

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Rebel Galaxy This vine now has context :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Here's a direct link to the announcement trailer here. See if you can recognize the voice :)

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Rebel Galaxy

Hooray! It's great to announce what we're doing - check out the article on Polygon -

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Rebel Galaxy Game Information:

Game Description:

Rebel Galaxy is a swashbuckling space adventure, with action-packed combat, exploration, discovery, trade, and “negotiation” with the outlandish denizens at the edge of the known universe. 

Rebel Galaxy Find Cheats, Tips & Guides

As the commander of an immensely powerful star destroyer, you’ll battle pirates, explore anomalies, befriend aliens, scavenge battle wreckage, mine asteroids, and discover artifacts. Choose your path as a roguish do-gooder, crafty space-trader or power-hungry privateer – or maybe a little of each! Buy larger and more powerful craft with your hard-earned credits, and outfit them with a variety of wicked weapons and defenses. Set in a galaxy of fantastic sights, and secrets to be found, Rebel Galaxy is above all a space epic of adventure, exploration, and combat. 

The edge of the universe is a pretty dangerous place, so watch your back.

Steam: User reviews: Very Positive (882 reviews)

Release Date: 20 Oct, 2015


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