Vegas Downtown Slots Link not working

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WHATS UP ..IS ANYONE ELSE TRYING TO COLLECT FREE BONUS COINS AND LINK NOT WORKING ...HAVE RESET PHONE / RESET SITE SETTINGS AND STILL THE LINKS NOT GOING CAN ANYONE #HELP..Would be appreciated if anyone could in saying that most of these post on here are like YEARS OLD ..but fingers crossed ..Ta Muchly .

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I am having the same issue. Nothing I try will correct the problem. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.
Yes, same here for about a month now. It was working fine, nothing changed that I know of, but links stopped redirecting to the app and instead open up playstore. I've updated everything possible on my device, and tried a different device...same issue. (previously used and worked fine! ) I do like this slots app, but without free coins and with their recent updates of minimum 25k bet, it's almost impossible to spin more than 5-6 times and then wait several hours and try again. Likely just going to give up on it soon and uninstall! Frustrating B.S. :(

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