HELLO ZYNGA POKER FANS!!! At level 300 (Highest achievable level in the game), we will both receive 50,000,000 chips when you enter my redemption code EIEVXPS (eievxps/ all caps). It does not get any higher than that (check it out on YouTube). It can only be done ONCE per account, per device within 3 days of downloading the Zynga poker app, so DON'T FALL FOR SCAMMERS who claim to offer BILLIONS or TRILLIONS!
Follow these, step by step:
1. Download Zynga Texas Holdem Poker on your Android/iOS device.
2. Login with Facebook or any other type of account (Guest or Zyanga Account).
3. Click on 'Settings' icon and choose the redeem option.
4. Copy the code EIEVXPS.
Voila!! Enjoy your free chips!!