Hello Everyone, i am looking for a current/active Jackpot Club to join. I play every day almost all day please let me know. Currently i am in a club by my self as i could not find an active club. Looking to have fun, spin and win, complete events.
Looking For Active Jackpot Club
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the club wall is for you. you have to 'take it all' or you will forfit the points. Everyone sees their own wall. my group avrerages 50m a day o n the wall. As for the club, I don't know what the limits are but.. I am in Special Jackpot, currently platnium 3, we have room only 51 out of 100 slots filled,we get new people all the time just request to join. try looking for a club with higher rankings and you might be happier. Just be ware of the club politics and drama, its there. Good Luck and happy spinning! Spin Therapy;-)
Looking for active jackpots
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