Cheats and hacks I need a bunch of coins and money to keep playing the game or I'm stuck with trying to figure out how to come up with it cuz I don't wanna buy them using my real cash so if someone could please give me some cheats or a better way or idea to come up with it I'd take the advice
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Posted by CoreyKnapp Tags: Cheats & Hacks 2 Comments
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Yes please can anyone help me out here iv tried @ tried to get free cions with no luck @ if I wasn't on such a fixed income I would just buy more but i no I'm not alone here I just don't get why it's so hard to get the bonus in this app you would think they would want to give us more free cions word of mouth is a great way to spread the word that this game is great fun to play can anyone help me here I do love the game struggling here in small town lancaster ohio ??
I know right
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