Mutants: Genetic Gladiators Mutants Genetic Gladiators Hack: God Mode & Damage

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Mutants Genetic Gladiators God Mode Cheat Codes Only:

- Effects: Changes the Enemy attack to Zero making you a God Mode.

FIND: 24 FF AB 96 D7 26 96 29 60 40 46 F9 69 00 66 88 08 66 BB 23 12 07 00 00

REPLACE: 24 FF AB 96 D7 26 96 29 60 40 46 F9 69 00 66 88 08 66 BB 23 12 00 00 00

Mutants_Genetic_Gladiators_Cheats.CT Cheat Engine script file download here

This cheat is old and might not work anymore.  Feel free to like or dislike and post comments.

How to use Mutants_Genetic_Gladiators_Cheats.CT File:

  1. Open your Cheat Engine
  2. Load the files on Cheat Engine. Click File -> Load -> Select the Cheat Engine .CT File
  3. Open Mutants Genetic Gladiators on Facebook
  4. Choose process for chrome or firefox (Firefox is the recommended browser for this hack) Choose the first plugin container.
  5. Activate all the cheats and hacks
  6. 6. Now check the hacks if working.

How to use Mutants Genetic Gladiators God Mode Cheat Codes:

- No script file Cheat Codes only using the Cheat Engine Search and Replace Method.

  1. Open Mutants Genetic Gladiators on Facebook (Wait until it completely loads in your web browser)
  2. Open Cheat Engine and select the correct process to open for your web browser (ex. the last chrome.exe if you are using google chrome and FlashPlayerplugin for firefox)
  3. On Cheat Engine change the Scan Type to "Array of Bytes"
  4. In Hex. Copy and paste a Cheat Codes for example Hero Damage:  "24 FF AB 96 D7 26 96 29 60 40 46 F9 69 00 66 88 08 66 BB 23 12 07 00 00"
  5. Click First Scan. Select the result and click the red arrow down to copy the selected items to the address list.
  6. In the address list select the codes and Right Click -> Change Record -> Value
  7. Copy & Paste the Code below as the new value  "24 FF AB 96 D7 26 96 29 60 40 46 F9 69 00 66 88 08 66 BB 23 12 00 00 00"
  8. Click the Codes and Then press "space bar" on your keyboard this will activate the cheat. Or to manually do this Right Click the to address and click "Toggle Selected Recods".
  9. GO back to your game and check the cheats if working.


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pls give 10k gold

give me 5k 


please give me gold 100k please thankyou

24 FF AB 96 D7 26 96 29 60 40 46 F9 69 00 66 88 08 66 BB 23 12 07 00 00

give me gold plsssss 100k
gusto kong tumataas evo ko
Give me gold plssss 100k
Indeed gold plssssss100k

pls give me 100k gold pls):

buck Maurice

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