Tales of Zestiria Tales of Zestiria Cheats, Tips & Guides

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Tales of Zestiria 24 Cheats in 1 Cheat Table

24 Cheats in Tales of Zestiria Hit Points 1 KO Grade + more! All 24 Cheats in 1 Cheat Table. Download Tales of Zestiria cheats here.

  • Posted by JessieME
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Tales of Zestiria Item Augmentations Table

Below is the Tales of Zestiria Item Augmentations Table a reference for use in cheat programs like cheat engine. Add comment if you want to update me the table.

  • Posted by JessieME
  • 8,684

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Tales of Zestiria

Magilou knows how to strike her opponents… and a cool pose! Which is your favorite GIF from the Tales of series? Share it in the comments!

Likes: 6 Shares: 1 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

That Monday feeling… Be honest, which one are you today?

Likes: 40 Shares: 9 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

A former imperial knight, Yuri Lowell originally set out to pursue a thief who stole a vital device from his people. While he may come across as sarcastic and cynical, he is ready to save lives, even it means risking his own.

Likes: 70 Shares: 7 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Yuri’s loyal battle companion Repede will stand proud in your Tales of collection! This exclusive 19-cm resin figurine perfectly recreates the iconic pose of our favorite Tales of Vesperia sidekick. Pre-order: https://fcld.ly/repedefigurine *The figurine you’ll receive may be slightly different.

Likes: 103 Shares: 22 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tomizawa-san, the new producer of the Tales of series, has a special message for you. 😊

Likes: 80 Shares: 82 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Our good boy Repede was just a sneak peek. Check out the full contents of the Premium Edition of Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, releasing on January 11th 2019! Pre-order yours: Xbox One: https://fcld.ly/tovxb1 PS4: https://fcld.ly/tovps4 Switch: https://fcld.ly/tovswitch

Likes: 117 Shares: 66 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Need a little Monday motivation? This should brighten up your day: Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition launches on January 11th 2019 on PS4, XB1, PC Digital and Switch! Here’s a glimpse of a very special edition you’ll be able to lay your paws on. Stay tuned for more!

Likes: 211 Shares: 163 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

In case you missed it: Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition is coming to PS4, XB1, PC and Switch this Winter! Including the content of the PS3 version for the first time in Europe, embark on an amazing adventure with Yuri featuring both JP and EN voice overs!

Likes: 184 Shares: 22 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Vesperia is back with Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition. A remaster of one of the most beloved roleplaying games ever created! Experience a story like no other, complemented by a robust combat system, a memorable cast of characters and a soundtrack that you’ll be humming for a long time. Dive into the definitive version of Tales of Vesperia with characters and content never before seen in the west! Look for Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, this winter.

Likes: 414 Shares: 189 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Vesperia Definitive Edition is coming to PS4, XB1, PC and Switch this year! Including the content of the PS3 version for the first time in Europe, embark on an amazing adventure with Yuri featuring both JP and EN voice overs!

Likes: 994 Shares: 1,001 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Get 50% off Tales of Berseria on Steam, PSN, and BandaiNamcoEnt.eu! 🎁 #WinterSale #SteamSale #PSN http://bnent.eu/wintersales http://store.steampowered.com/app/429660/Tales_of_Berseria/

Likes: 60 Shares: 3 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The team at BANDAI NAMCO wishes you happy holidays! We can't wait to see you in 2018 for more Tales Of adventures! Until then, will you find all the references - not only from Tales Of - hidden in our Season Greetings card?

Likes: 59 Shares: 3 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Launching today is a special #TalesOf bundle! Limited number available but you can certainly make it a great gift for Christmas 🎁🌲 Learn more about the bundle here: http://bnent.eu/talesbundle

Likes: 60 Shares: 7 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Searching for a Tales Of game or a collector figurine ? Here is special Black Friday offers on the Tales Of series! 😄 > http://po.st/NjEfRM <

Likes: 77 Shares: 2 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

PLAY our Tales of musical quiz! Can you guess which game the tracks are from? Don’t forget to get Tales of the Rays, the All-Star Tales Series mashup out on iOS and Android http://bnent.eu/talesoftherays!

Likes: 29 Shares: 3 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

WATCH our exclusive interview: get some awesome gameplay tips straight from Tales of the Rays producer Ikeda-san at Gamescom! Play now over at http://bnent.eu/talesoftherays

Likes: 40 Shares: 4 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We’re back with a second Tales challenge video! Will you guess which characters appear in the hidden images? Don’t forget to download Tales of the Rays, the ultimate cross over game out now on iOS and Android http://bnent.eu/talesoftherays.

Likes: 20 Shares: 4 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Trivia challenge! How much do you know about the Tales Series? We put these fans to the test at Gamescom as we celebrated the release of Tales of the Rays, the ultimate cross over Tales game out now on iOS and Android! http://bnent.eu/talesoftherays

Likes: 31 Shares: 6 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

It’s international #BookLoversDay! Shout out to all those who love books like our own #Magilou!

Likes: 778 Shares: 85 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The "Tales of..." MIDWEEK MADNESS sale is LIVE on Steam! Save BIG on all Tales games available for the PC! This offer ends in TWO days! Sale link: http://bit.ly/2uZxIdY

Likes: 673 Shares: 156 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Check out this awesome Asch the Bloody fan-art from Eiko Caos! See more Tales of fan-arts on his deviantart page: http://eikocaos.deviantart.com/ http://eikocaos.deviantart.com/art/ASCH-THE-BLOODY-Tales-of-the-Abyss-672064208

Likes: 270 Shares: 14 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Have you played Tales of Berseria ? We need your opinion! Fill out our survey: http://bnent.eu/BerseriaSurvey

Likes: 517 Shares: 92 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Velvet Cosplayer Xxfruitcakexx wrote an article for the Tales of Blog! She explains why she chose this character and how she made her cosplay, it’s a very interesting read, so give it a look! http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/the-making-of-velvet-crowe-cosplay-by-xxfruitcakexx

Likes: 417 Shares: 35 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Is Magilou your TalesOf Valentine? Do you like her personality or magical battle artes more?

Likes: 664 Shares: 97 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

To celebrate the 10 million viewers worldwide of Tales of the Zestiria the X, the team is organizing a huge contest! The rules are simple: you just need to submit your best ToZ or ToB-related pictures you’ve got! I can be fanart, cosplay, game screenshots, handmade cakes… anything goes! All the rules and application form are available on the official website: http://toz-thex-anime.tales-ch.jp/en/campaign/

Likes: 303 Shares: 45 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Velvet Crowe is brought to life in this amazing stream featuring Sakimi chan and brought to you by DeviantArt. Enjoy!

Likes: 139 Shares: 0 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Berseria is now available on Steam and PS4 worldwide! Join Velvet in her quest against Artorius Collbrande and into a tale of emotion vs reason. STEAM: http://store.steampowered.com/app/429660/ PS4: https://store.playstation.com/#!/cid=EP0700-CUSA05105_00-PS4TOBERSERIA001

Likes: 585 Shares: 35 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We're so thrilled with the response to Tales of Berseria! See what critics and users are saying on Metacritic: metacritic.com/game/pc/tales-of-berseria

Likes: 1,440 Shares: 125 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Berseria is now available on Steam and PS4 worldwide! Join Velvet in her quest against Artorius Collbrande and into a tale of emotion vs reason. STEAM: http://store.steampowered.com/app/429660/ PS4: https://store.playstation.com/#!/cid=EP0700-CUSA05105_00-PS4TOBERSERIA001

Likes: 630 Shares: 110 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Berseria releases Jan. 24th on PS4 and Jan. 26th on PC via Steam! Grab your copy @ http://bit.ly/2gdoOns 10 years ago, a Scarlet Night rose and with it came the daemonblight. Famine, destruction and chaos reigned. But then The Advent came and with it, a savior. It is Midgand's savior that Velvet vows to kill! Watch the Launch Trailer for Tales of Berseria and get ready for Velvet’s tale of revenge!

Likes: 720 Shares: 171 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We'll be hosting a livestream on January 16th showing off Tales of Berseria during Bandai Namco's Week of Streaming! Tune in to see some new gameplay footage and for a chance to win some awesome prizes. Click the link for more info: http://bit.ly/2jFi0Ca. #WEEKOFSTREAMING

Likes: 187 Shares: 21 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The demo of Tales of Berseria is now available worldwide on STEAM and PlayStation 4! Download it right now and try the game for free. Warning: it becomes difficult to wait until January 27th afterwards… STEAM: http://store.steampowered.com/app/429660 EU Playstation 4: https://store.playstation.com/#!/cid=EP0700-CUSA06850_00-PS4TOBTRIAL00001 US Playstation 4 : https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/tales-of-berseria-demo/cid=UP0700-CUSA06852_00-PS4TOBTRIAL00001

Likes: 1,097 Shares: 340 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We had a lot of questions on the settings available in the PC version of the game, we are answering them here! http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/details-about-the-pc-version-of-the-game/

Likes: 197 Shares: 21 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Beautiful Colette cosplay by Melusine! There's more pictures on her page, check them out!

Likes: 437 Shares: 0 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Happy Holidays everyone from Laphicet and the Tales of Team!

Likes: 754 Shares: 48 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Our dear friends at Abyssal Chronicles are organizing a grand launch contest for Tales of Berseria ! Don’t hesitate to take part, there’s several collector’s editions to win and even Tales of Berseria PC games! It’s right here: http://www.abyssalchronicles.com/contests/abyssal-chronicles-10th-anniversary-tales-berseria-contest-chance-win-every-tales-us-collectors-edition-ever

Likes: 888 Shares: 245 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

You can preorder Tales of Berseria on the PlayStation Store! https://store.playstation.com/#!/cid=EP0700-CUSA05105_00-PS4TOBPREORDER01

Likes: 476 Shares: 43 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Dear Tales of Community, We read about your concerns regarding some changes between the Japanese and the Western versions of Tales of Berseria, the next game from the Tales Of series to be released on January 27th 2017 on Playstation 4 and PC. In the western game footage released on December 8th (https://youtu.be/TLbdbwjtxZ8), you discovered a scene that has been reworked compared to the original Japanese game. As a company, Bandai Namco Entertainment has to follow the regional regulations regarding video games content to allow the games to be released with appropriate rating. The violence depicted in the original Japanese scene in Tales of Berseria would not allow us to keep our current 16 rating. A major change in our rating wouldn’t have allowed to share the game with as many fans as we’d like and it would have prevented us many opportunities to show the game on social networks, websites and even during events. Therefore, instead of deleting the sequence, we decided to rework a portion of the scene to keep its importance in the story. We’ve ensured its impact in the story is the same. Even if the exact actions are different, their consequences are exactly the same: the defining moment changing Velvet’s Story and opposing her to Arthur Collbrande, the moment it becomes a tale of emotions versus reason. We made this modification out of necessity, be sure of that. You may have read in an interview that we had promised not to censor the game in the West. The statement applied only to the Velvet’s outfit at the time, and we did our best to keep the game as close to the Japanese version as possible. This is the only scene which has been altered from the Japanese version of the game. Everything else is exactly the same as the Japanese version including costume designs which you will be able to see for yourself once we release the demo on January 10th.

Likes: 797 Shares: 217 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We have A LOT of new info on Tales of Berseria! Preorders, demo, and the first English voice-over footage! Want to know more? Check out the latest Tales of Blog article! http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/preorders-english-footage-demo-and-more

Likes: 846 Shares: 100 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Songs will be part of the Orchestral Memories concert, which first date will be on February 4th in Paris! For this first concert, we will receive special guests: the composers Motoi Sakuraba and Go-Shiina! Tickets are available at http://shop.wildfaery.com. Additionally, 150 VIP tickets will permit spectators to meet & greet both Motoi Sakuraba and Go Shiina for signing sessions and photo shoots after the concert!

Likes: 1,302 Shares: 483 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The #BlackFriday BLOWOUT is a go: Tales of Xillia 2 Plush Toys - $9.95! Click the link to start the fun: https://www.bandainamcoentstore.com/black-friday-sale

Likes: 344 Shares: 88 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

You will never get bored in the world of Tales of Berseria: epic combat system, intense Mystic Artes, new characters with their own fighting style and funny minigames to pass the time! Discover the features of Tales of Berseria in this new trailer and get ready for the release on January 27th! https://youtu.be/KByskbL9bsU

Likes: 985 Shares: 225 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Sword Art Online heroes are joining Tales of Link for an exclusive event! Get exclusive login bonuses, collect SAO gear and characters and participate in the Aincrad Offensive quests! Download Tales of Link for free: https://goo.gl/lD6l3i

Likes: 585 Shares: 126 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Abyssal Chronicles and 2014 Tales of Ambassador Lex interviewed composer Go Shiina at Japan Expo ! Read the interview on the Tales of Blog! http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/abyssal-chronicles-interview-with-go-shiina-at-japan-expo-2016/

Likes: 161 Shares: 13 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Happy 10th anniversary to our friends at Abyssal Chronicles - Tales of Series Fansite! If you are looking for even more Tales of news, don't forget to check them out! Coming soon on the Tales of blog: new articles by Abby Yao, administrator of the website!

Likes: 710 Shares: 0 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Berseria will be out on January 27th on PS4 and STEAM ! The other news you have all been waiting for is here: discover the Collector’s Edition of Tales of Berseria on the Tales of Blog! http://blog.talesofgame.com/?p=6084

Likes: 894 Shares: 122 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

It's official: Tales of Berseria will be out on January 27th in Europe and on the 24th in the US!

Likes: 3,208 Shares: 821 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Did you miss out on any of the cool "Tales of" news at Anime Expo? Well not to worry, we have you covered with our wrap-up https://www.bandainamcoent.com/news/anime-expo-2016-talesof?utm_campaign=engagor&utm_content=engagor_MzgzMTU4NQ%3D%3D&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook

Likes: 775 Shares: 62 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

What: A Tales of Cosplay Contest hosted by DAISUKI.net and Bandai Namco Entertainment Where: Anime Expo 2016 // DAISUKI.net Booth (2901 South Hall) - Official Tales of Series Cosplay Gathering When: Saturday, July 2nd // 4:30pm – 5:00pm. Who: Tales Cosplayers Details: Hey Tales of Cosplayers DAISUKI.net and Bandai Namco Entertainment want to see your Tales costumes stop by the DAISUKI.net Booth at Anime Expo 2016. We'll be holding a Cosplay Contest and the top Tales of Cosplayers will win some amazing prizes. More details to follow at the Bandai Namco twitter: @BandaiNamcoUS Hope to see you there!

Likes: 80 Shares: 11 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Learn more about Tales of Berseria and join the community on http://blog.talesofgame.com!

Likes: 1,267 Shares: 101 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Read Abby (a745) from Abyssal Chronicles' Top 10 funniest moments in #Talesof! Join the community on the official Blog and share your favorites in the comment section! https://t.co/pv8HC2raEe

Likes: 750 Shares: 143 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Koyo our European #Talesof Ambassador's trip to Denmark isn't over yet but here's a sneak preview. Look forward to reading his adventures on the official Blog soon!

Likes: 71 Shares: 5 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Koyo our European #Talesof Ambassador has reached Denmark,wish him luck as he rocks his Asbel cosplay from Graces f!

Likes: 80 Shares: 2 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Following Tales of Symphonia release on Steam, you may have experienced various issues affecting gameplay. Thanks to your comments, fixes have already begun rolling out as you can see below. Our production team is working hard to make sure issues are addressed, so be assured that continuous improvements will move forward in the coming days. We’ll keep you updated on the Tales of Symphonia Steam Community board and Tales of Social networks. We thank you once again for your patience and understanding. 2/2/2016 Patch notes: Bug Fixes - Added VC++2013 redist to the installer config: launching the game should allow this to install properly. - Log File Writing error: the game will no longer attempt to write to the C: drive. - Save & Customize Menu delay (Windows 7): the save and customize menu should no longer delay 10 ¬ 40 seconds upon opening. Localization - Implemented various localization fixes to the menu - Relocated localization file (No longer editable)

Likes: 276 Shares: 16 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Symphonia is coming out February 2nd on Steam! Stop the video to find out which Symphonia character you are and tell us in the comments. Tag a friend to find out who he/she is!

Likes: 552 Shares: 123 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The Classic Tales of Symphonia is releasing Worldwide on 2/2 on Steam! Re-live classic battles. conversations, and friends with this release. Click the link to pre-order Tales of Symphonia today! http://store.steampowered.com/app/372360/

Likes: 1,002 Shares: 117 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Another day, another locale! THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES!!! Only 2 days to go until the console release in Europe + Australasia, and 6 days to go until the console release in the Americas and worldwide on Steam \o/

Likes: 420 Shares: 23 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Another day, another locale! THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES!!! Only 4 days to go until the console release in Europe + Australasia, and 8 days to go until the console release in the Americas and worldwide on Steam \o/

Likes: 419 Shares: 16 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Another day, another locale! THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES!!! Only 7 days to go until the console release in Europe + Australasia, and 11 days to go until the console release in the Americas and worldwide on Steam \o/

Likes: 461 Shares: 33 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

A unique PS4 Theme comes with Prima Games Collector's Edition Official Guide for Tales of Zestiria! Will you be getting yours? #TalesofZestiria #TalesOf #StrategyGuide #Anime #PlayStation #Hype http://www.primagames.com/games/tales-zestiria/products

Likes: 437 Shares: 29 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Another day, another locale! THE COUNTDOWN CONTINUES!!! Only 9 days to go until the console release in Europe + Australasia, and 13 days to go until the console release in the Americas and worldwide on Steam \o/

Likes: 896 Shares: 46 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Only 10 days to go until the console release in Europe + Australasia, and 14 days to go until the console release in the Americas and worldwide on Steam \o/

Likes: 1,483 Shares: 132 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Our friends over at Abyssal Chronicles are running a contest to win a bunch of Tales of goodies and Zestiria CE! Get all the info on the blog and head over here to participate http://po.st/ACZestiriaContest http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/fan-presenting-abyssa-chronicles-tales-of-melodies-tales-of-zestiria-contest-chance-to-win-the-tales-of-zestiria-collectors-edition/

Likes: 238 Shares: 15 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Missed the Tales of Zestiria PC and Tales of Symphonia sneak peek livestream starring the European Ambassador yesterday? Catch the full recap now! Thanks to everybody who tuned it and helped make it a great event :) http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/tales-of-zestiria-livestream-replay-and-pc-settings-menu/?utm_campaign=engagor&utm_content=engagor_MzgyNjIwNw%3D%3D&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook

Likes: 503 Shares: 29 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The stream for Tales Of Zestiria is live! Tune into the stream for the first PC footage of Tales of Zestiria and the first ever look at Tales of Symphonia for PC! The Collector Edition will be unboxed, giveaways and more! http://www.twitch.tv/bandainamcoeurope?utm_campaign=engagor&utm_content=engagor_MzgyNjE5NA%3D%3D&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook

Likes: 214 Shares: 41 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Pre-Order Tales Of Zestiria and unlock more and more rewards. The next reward to be unlocked is a free copy of Tales Of Symphonia! http://store.steampowered.com/app/351970/ #TalesOf

Likes: 368 Shares: 41 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

In case you missed it: we announced the winners of the first ever Tales of Blog giveaway! Congrats to everybody! We were truly moved by some of the comments you posted :) http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/giveaway-winners-announced/

Likes: 512 Shares: 13 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Go on Abyssal Chronicles to read the interviews of Yasemin & Maria our local contest winners and Lex our current European Ambassador! http://www.abyssalchronicles.com/?fn_mode=comments&fn_id=1394

Likes: 127 Shares: 3 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Abyssal Chronicles is posting interviews leading up to the European Tales of Ambassador election on Friday at Japan Expo! First up: Yasemin our German contest winner who won a trip to the election! http://www.abyssalchronicles.com/?fn_mode=comments&fn_id=1392

Likes: 199 Shares: 7 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We're announcing our European Tales of Ambassador election jury members! http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/the-ambassador-election-jury-panel/

Likes: 83 Shares: 4 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Are you coming to Japan Expo? We've upgraded our Karaoke track list! Our fans are back with new skits! And we'll elect the new European Ambassador!

Likes: 264 Shares: 15 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We have a giveaway running on the official Tales Of Blog! http://bnent.eu/talesofgiveaway

Likes: 2,086 Shares: 265 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Check out the winners of the Mascot drawing contest. What amazing fanart! http://blog.talesofgame.com/?p=980 Thanks Abyssal Chronicles for hosting it!

Likes: 100 Shares: 3 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Do you know about Abyssal Chronicles the main Tales of fansite? Discover their long history on the official Blog! http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/fan-abyssal-chronicles-story-2/

Likes: 520 Shares: 20 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria


Likes: 4,833 Shares: 542 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria


Likes: 1,322 Shares: 54 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

¡NO-TI-CI-ÓN! Os confirmamos que Tales of Zestiria llegará para PS4 y Steam, además de para PS3. ¡Y hay más! os confirmamos que estará disponible a partir del 16 de octubre (20 de octubre para Steam). Descubre más en nuestro recién estrenado blog: http://blog.talesofgame.com/?p=909&utm_campaign=engagor&utm_content=engagor_MzgyNDYwNg%3D%3D&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook https://www.youtube.com/watch?utm_campaign=engagor&utm_content=engagor_MzgyNDYwNg%3D%3D&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&v=O3SIDA7VtFk

Likes: 459 Shares: 64 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We're excited to announce Tales of Zestiria is coming to Europe on PS3, PS4 October 16th and PC via Steam October 20th! Watch the trailer on the newly launched Tales blog here: http://blog.talesofgame.com/en/?p=905

Likes: 2,191 Shares: 615 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We've just launched the official Tales of Blog! Be the first to discover the latest info on the Tales Series and join the community. From announcements to trailers, cosplay, events and giveaways - it's always here first. A New Journey Begins! http://blog.talesofgame.com http://blog.talesofgame.com/

Likes: 991 Shares: 98 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Check out our brand new Tales of Ambassador logo, featuring Lex Cosplay our current Tales of Ambassador! Get all the details on how to sign up for the European Tales of Ambassador election http://www.cosplayforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=1063&t=46108. Registrations will open Friday, June 12 at 9 pm (Paris time) and slots are limited! Photo by the wonderful N8e!

Likes: 220 Shares: 7 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

The next European Tales of Ambassador election is happening on July 3rd at Japan Expo in Paris! Get all the details below on how to sign up (contains instructions in both French and English). Registrations will open Friday, June 12 at 9 pm (Paris time) and slots are limited!

Likes: 148 Shares: 0 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World is a direct sequel to Tales of Symphonia and one of the few across the Tales Series! Did you first play it back in 2009 on the Wii or last year on PS3?

Likes: 960 Shares: 80 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

We keep receiving so many amazing fan creations!!! We're amazed at the amount of love you're showing us for the 20th anniversary of the Tales Series. Here are a few outstanding videos! Links in each description and below. Piano cover of Alisha's Theme from Tales of Zestiria by Dai! https://youtu.be/c1LcJT3YiqU Cover of Karma from Tales of the Abyss by Proto Heis! https://youtu.be/oqMWQFjDZrA Kazoo cover of Fatalize from Tales of Symphonia by Tsuko! https://youtu.be/LsKhGmT5gqQ Custom mix of Hymn of Proof from Tales of Xillia 2 (spoilers!) by Cammie! https://youtu.be/7oavRhw4JIY

Likes: 153 Shares: 8 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of the Abyss on 3DS was released in 2011 and pretty much started the Tales of Renaissance in the West, following a two year hiatus. What was your favorite thing about it?

Likes: 1,147 Shares: 77 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Super awesome fan site Abyssal Chronicles is hosting a drawing contest! Draw your favorite Western Tales of mascot and win goodies provided by us! Details over there.

Likes: 174 Shares: 0 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Have you played Tales of Eternia? If you had to convince a friend to play it in one sentence, what would it be? Send us your fan creations via #IAmTalesOf!

Likes: 652 Shares: 57 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Super awesome fan site Abyssal Chronicles is running a favorite Western Mascot poll! Go over there to vote for your favorite and possibly win goodies provided by us! Voting ends tomorrow.

Likes: 603 Shares: 0 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Tales of Graces f released in 2012 in Europe. Can you believe it's been 3 years and 4 games since then?! Keep sending us your fan creations!

Likes: 991 Shares: 69 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

It all started with Tales of Phantasia. And it's not stopping any time soon! Share your Tales Of 20th anniversary creations via #IAmTalesOf!

Likes: 856 Shares: 68 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria

Keep sending us your fan creations via #IAmTalesOf! Let's celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Tales series together!

Likes: 437 Shares: 21 Posted:

Tales of Zestiria Game Information:

Game Type:



Windows PC

Game Description:

Hold on to what you strive for! 

In a world torn by war between two powerful nations fighting for rule and supremacy, accept the burden of the Sheperd and fight human darkness to protect your world from Malevolence and reunite humans and Seraphim. 

Together with Lailah, the Lady of the Lake who guards the Sacred Blade, and his best friend Mikleo, the cast will discover soon enough a powerful force is rising in the shadow.

Key Features:

  • Tumble into Sorey's epic journey set in a Medieval fantasy world with beautiful animations realized by the famous animation studio ufotable.
  • Discover diversified and huge environments throughout your adventure with the help of Seraphim
  • Advanced Battle System with fusions between Sorey and Seraphim. the battle scenes are now seamlessly integrated into the environments with no more load screens or transition

Release Date: 19 Oct, 2015

User reviews on Steam: Very Positive (1,147 reviews)

Website: http://talesofgame.com/

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