I am working on the Break Rusty out of prison aan i am stuck on the Monitors I got one side (left) all with red X's but i can't seem to get the other side (right) with the red X's but two screens are left with the green check mark. Can anyone help me.
Hola tengo un problema con mi cuenta de diggys estaba jugando y se cerró solo cuando lo inicie enpeso en el progreso 35 y yo estaba en el nivel 125 calculo esto dias estube jugando y estoy en el nivel 40 nececito recuperar mi nivel cómo hago estoy ingresando con la cuenta de facebook
All My Friends who have been stuck on that last key on Diggy's 6th birthday its in the Professors Headquarters the key to the ggate is red stone on purple inkspot gray stone on green ink spot. I hope this helps us all good luck e1 see you in Diggy's.
How do you put the 6's on the things not belonging in Futuro Forest?
I can't get past Futuro Forest. What am I missing?
I can't find the last key. I have gone through everything and still one key short. Villains mansion does not have a cake on it. Where am I going wrong.
Where is last key? This game not complete
the 8 key
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