Diggy's Adventure solutions and walkthrough for all Meteor Mayhem Event's levels and challenges.
To get all rewards and avoid getting stuck. Check the guides before starting the event quest.
Meteor Mayhem Quest Solutions Videos:
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New Quest Event: Diggy's Adventure Easter 2016 Solutions & Walkthrough
Meteor Mayhem Story Requirements:
- Total Tiles: 2,403
- Total Energy: 92,809
- Total Tiles for Challenges: 1,617
- Total Energy for Challenges: 849,942
- Challenges Rare Materials: 1x Amy, 4x Gems, 2x Ruby, 1x Topaz
There are 11 of these rare meteorites scattered in all locations of the Meteor Mayhem story. Collect them all to exchange them for some great camp equip.
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Burnt Jungle (Crater in the Jungle)
Quest Intro: "I was just doing what one usually does in their free time - spying on my neighbors, tracking the night sky - when I spotted the meteor. The one that has been lost for centuries, made of otherworldly, precious materials. We have to get our hands on all the pieces it splintered into during the fall!"
Goal: Find the meteorite.
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 178
- Average Tile Energy: 8
- Total Energy to use: 1,486
Astronomer Level 1 Rewards:
- Experience: 800
- Coins: 1,000
- Gems: 5
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Burnt Jungle Walkthrough (3 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Stone Pit Under Attack (Meteorite Mining)
Quest Intro: "According to my calculations, which are of course correct, the next meteorite should be found in a nearby stone pit. I'm sure you'll... rock... this little expedition."
Goal: Find the meteorite.
- Total Tiles: 139
- Average Tile Energy: 16
- Total Energy to use: 2,277
Astronomer Level 2 Rewards:
- Experience: 1,600
- Coins: 2,000
- Gems: 7
- +1 Part of Observatory
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Stone Pit Under Attack Walkthrough (3 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Pyramid of Green Rings (Searching for the Meteorite)
Quest Intro: "The next meteor piece went flying all the way to Egypt, almost destroying the Pyramid of Green Rings! I once traded only six camels for a used telescope there. Hope your luck will be just as good."
Video Guide:
- 02:05 - Check how to solve the Laser Setting Puzzle
- 02:54 - Solutions to pull all the levers and open the 4 doors
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 413
- Average Tile Energy: 14
- Total Energy to use: 5,880
Astronomer Level 3 Rewards:
- Experience: 2,400
- Coins: 3,000
- Gems: 9
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Pyramid of Green Rings (8 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Parisian Coffee Shops (Destruction in Paris)
Quest Intro: "Another piece of the meteor was falling towards the busy area of Parisian coffee shops full of yummy food. Don't worry. No puppies were harmed. Unfortunately, no mines either. Just kidding, I love mines! ...Except the one who dumped me on Valentine's day."
Meteorite Location: 03:57 - The top-right house has the meteorite
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 354
- Average Tile Energy: 16
- Total Energy to use: 5,748
Astronomer Level 4 Rewards:
- Experience: 3,200
- Coins: 4,000
- Gems: 11
- Experience for Clearing Location: 580
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Parisian Coffee Shops (8 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Race Car Garage (Quicker than a Meteor)
Quest Intro: "The next meteor piece fell right smack in the middle of someone's garage. Good thing it wasn't mine. Go get it and don't forget to look around. Where fast cars are, speed potions aren't far behind. You definitely look sturdy enough to digest that kind of fuel."
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 137
- Average Tile Energy: 75
- Total Energy to use: 10,280
Astronomer Level 5 Rewards:
- Experience: 4,000
- Coins: 5,000
- Gems: 13
- Experience for Clearing Location: 1,000
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Race Car Garage (3 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Ancient Greek Library (The Lost Meteorite)
Quest Intro: "This library is in shambles after the crash, the books are scattered everywhere! I hope the astronomy books are all right. Who cares about the other ones? Go have a look. You might even gain new 'experience'. You know... 'level up' on your knowledge."
There is one sequence of colors in this level, found in two places. In each of them you need to fill missing parts by using colored stones.
Optional Color Sequence Solution: Yellow, Green, Red, Purple, Green – Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green
Note that this is optional because of the bug in the game you can pass through the door without solving the correct sequence.
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 453
- Average Tile Energy: 33
- Total Energy to use: 15,090
Astronomer Level 6 Rewards:
- Experience: 5,000
- Coins: 6,000
- Gems: 16
- Experience for Clearing Location: 1,500
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Ancient Greek Library (14 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Sunken Tanker (Meteorite Under the Sea)
Quest Intro: "My telescope caught a meteor place flying towards the ocean. It might have crashed into a tanker. No worries, it was already sunk, so no casualties. Well, not besides the treasure cheasts full of shiny coins it was meant to transport. You could rescue those..."
After Finding the Meteorite talk to Alfons
Astronomer Alfons: "Since you're so rich now, you could buy me a new telescope. I only have ten. But before you do, we're going to look for the last meteorite."
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 421
- Average Tile Energy: 45
- Total Energy to use: 18,920
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Sunken Tanker (7 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Walkthrough: Cave of Green Crystals (The Last Meteorite)
Quest Intro: "This is it. The last meteorite piece was seen crashing into a cave full of green crystals! I'll just stay here. I'd rather not get attacked by rabid foxes. Or even worse... penguins. They're birds that don't fly. You can't trust them."
Quest Tip: Leaving tiles around the holes that you are not entering will help you identify them easily later.
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 308
- Average Tile Energy: 108
- Total Energy to use: 33,128
Astronomer Level 8 Rewards:
- Experience: 10,000
- Coins: 8,000
- Gems: 21 (+9 Gems if you break the last tiles)
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Cave of Green Crystals (7 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Challenge 1 Walkthrough
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 650
- Average Tile Energy: 149
- Total Energy to use: 97,172
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Meteor Mayhem Challenge 1 (11 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Challenge 2 Walkthrough
Quest Details:
- Total Tiles: 391
- Average Tile Energy: 744
- Total Energy to use: 290,990
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Meteor Mayhem Challenge 2 (8 minutes):
Meteor Mayhem Challenge 3 Walkthrough
- Total Tiles: 576
- Average Tile Energy: 461,780
- Total Energy to use: 802
Watch Video for Diggy's Adventure Quest: Meteor Mayhem Challenge 3 (10 minutes):
All video guides are created by Marian Zmigrodzki and uploaded on author's YouTube Channel.