How can I get the free coins with my iPhone I’ve got them on my Samsung and just go through the simple steps and click my way to free coins but when I follow the same path now with my iPhone I don’t receive any coins??
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Tips & Tricks
How can I get the free coins with my iPhone I’ve got them on my Samsung and just go through the simple steps and click my way to free coins but when I follow the same path now with my iPhone I don’t receive any coins??
I know this there are players racking up trillions upon trillions of free coins in wonka slots. I am over it. I have spent money trying to compete in the weekly dash. I am going to go after zynga over this.
a am hapy
Why is it so hard to get free coins
I play on an IPAD and was having trouble too. I figured out that you CANNOT leave your Hit it Rich app open in the background. It only works for me if the link opens the app from the start instead of just switching over to it while it’s in stand by. Hope this helps
How can I get free coins? On my other account I can watch a video to get coins but it doesn’t work for this account
How can I get the free coins on my I pad . I got them before but can’t get them now!!!!!
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