Slotomania Slot Machines Need Cards??? I can Help

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Do you need help filling Books???? I have duplicates of about 80% of sloto cards and I am in need of 2 regular cards only. I need Perseus and Dionysus. I know what I am asking for are the most rare regular cards but hope that maybe somone out there has an extra. I am willing to help as many out as I can. Add me and let's trade. 

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Discuss Need Cards??? I can Help


Does anyone have little red or Victor vulture
Do you by chance have little red from Once Upon a Time

Help please need stars if anyone can help please and thank you 

hi there, i was hoping you may have polly parrot, royal slippers and cherry. I can see what i have if you still needany thank very much

I need help so bad I can't finish my book with out little red and Mr. Right I will starsend I have tons of extra cards


I need hot cauldron. I can help you with both Perseus and Dionysus

pouvez vs maider svp il me manque lettle red pour que  je puisse terminer et continuer a jouer svp 


I had cards 297 & 298 and a lot extra,  let trade mr right and gypsy gina

please Little-redkiss

I need little rad


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