Slotomania Slot Machines need these cards (winter, summer and autumn albums) -- have many to trade

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need these cards, didn't play winter album, so a lot here:

Vicious Vera, Mac the Mic, Gilded Reel, Pitchy, Pharaoh's Portrait, Spella, Lora's Pond, Lunchy

(have Apollo and other high end to trade)


The Immortal , All-Seeing Book

(have most of the others to trade)


Battle of Nyphoria, The Firecracker, Dice of Fate, Planet Sweetness, Marvelous Martha

(have a lot of the other high end Autumn to trade)



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Discuss need these cards (winter, summer and autumn albums) -- have many to trade



Hallo.Kann das sein das alle die gleichen Karten brauchen?Also abgesehen davon das mir auch die typischen ersten drei Karten fehlen , bräuchte ich : planet sweetness, inspector Dale, Marvelous Martha, the cheetah aus dem Autumn album. Habe viele Karten zum tauschen und tauschfreudige Freunde die bis auf winter album, alle komplett haben. Bitte lass uns tauschen

Hello, I need a holiday hauler card


Bonjours à tous je cherche goulish battle et martha ou des étoiles merci d'avance 

I so please friends me and I have many to trade as well
friend me

needing those too, appreciate any help you might toss me on some of the winter albums, some of which I need are only one or two star cards... thanks....


let me know if there's anything else you need that's not on my list above; I may or probably have it

Good Day Folks!!! I am looking for Battle or Firecracker! Have stars and cards to trade! I will not send first due to the number of scammers out there. I am a daily player and gifter. I have many cards from other albums. I do not have an extra B Boo or G Grip! Let's make a deal ... I am looking for an angel!!

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